Ukudalula: Uma uthenga insiza noma umkhiqizo ngezixhumanisi zethu, kwesinye isikhathi sithola ikhomishini.

9 Domain Name Generators [Hand tested with screenshots]

Kukhona abakhiqizi begama lama-Domain abaningi emakethe.

I have shortlisted the Best Domain Name Generators here.

Futhi ngizamile konke ukukhombisa ukuthi yikuphi okungisebenzele kahle (futhi ngithemba wena).

Indlela Yami Yokuhlola:

Ngahlulela ithuluzi ngalinye ngokuya ngezinqubo ezilandelayo:

  1. Cha. Yenhlanganisela ikhiqize igama elinikeziwe
  2. Cha. Ongakhetha abazinikezayo ukubhaliswa kwesizinda
  3. Ukulula ukubhalisa isizinda

Uma ungakanalo igama lesizinda okwamanje, hlola izinketho ezingezansi ukuthola esisodwa:

  1. NamecheapPlay (izindleko zesizinda: $ 8.88 - ukusetshenziswa lesi isixhumanisi ukukhipha i-20%)
  2. Bheka okunye domain registrarngilapha.

Ngiqala ngalowo onobuhle obukhulu kunabo bonke:

1. NamecheapPlay

Namecheap offers a domain name generator when you try on the “Beast Mode” in Domain search. You can enter upto 5000 domains or keywords and it will generate domain names along with domain availability. It also does some really cool things like:

Domain Hack - →
Drop Okokugcina Vowel - →
Beka Amabizo Ngokubanzi - →

Ungafaka ngisho nesijobelelo nesiqalo sokuza namagama amasha wesizinda.
namecheap blog name generator
Once you are done getting domain from namecheap, you can also get web ukusingathwa kusuka kubo.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, uma kwenzeka kwenzeka ubhalisa isizinda, ungakuthola MAHHALA ngonyaka wokuqala.

2. search interface

Brandsnap is unique as it takes domain name generation to a whole new level, beyond just permutations and combinations of your input keywords. It takes into consideration the nuances of brand appeal, relevance, and sound, ensuring the domain names generated are distinctive and captivating. search results
But what truly sets Brandsnap apart is its ability to perform multi-layered checks. To prevent potential disputes and offer users a seamless branding experience, Brandsnap also verifies the availability of the suggested domain names on popular social media platforms and cross-references them with existing trademarks.

This feature mitigates the risk of username squatting, providing a comprehensive solution to individuals, start-ups, and corporations in their brand naming process.


Panabee works best if you give two words to come up with suggestions. And sure enough, I gave my favorite two words:  “Hosting Pill” to see the combinations.

It creates some of the most interesting combinations by “dropping first letter”,  “merging vowels”, “spell backwards”, etc. This is usually what those costly brand consultants do when they try to come up with a name.

Indlela Yokubonisana Nomkhiqizo

It searched more than 500 Top Level Domains (TLD) to check availability. And that included Country Extension search (.us, .in, .uk, etc.) & Topic Extension Search (.bike, .church, etc.)

Uhlu oluphelele lwama-TLD asesha ngalo lapha

Cishe isici esiyingqayizivele kunazo zonke abakhiqizi besizinda engisibonile - amandla wokusesha izitolo zohlelo lokusebenza (i-Apple, iGoogle) yezinhlelo zokusebenza ezinamagama afanayo.

Kodwa, lesi sici besingasebenzi ngenkathi ngisibheka (4 Meyi Meyi) - kabili.


I-DomainWheel idalwe abathuthukisi
Domain Name Generators: DomainWheel
Nge-DomainWheel ngifuna igama elithi "blogger" futhi lingitshengise imibono eyi-16 yesizinda

Yize imiphumela yayingemanga kangako, engangikuthanda ngempela kwakuyinto eyayingaphansi kwetafula leli
Kungisizile ukuthola amagama abezwakala njenge- “blogger” noma anomculo onjenge- “blogger”. Lokhu kungasiza ekwakheni amanye amagama ayingqayizivele brand.


I-FlameDomain isesha igama lesizinda kusuka kuma-300 + ama-TLD.
Domain Name Generators: FlameDomain
Inazo lezi zigaba ohlangothini lwesobunxele ngokusekelwe kuzo lapho ungahlunga khona amagama wesizinda akhiqizwayo.


Ngihlabe umxhwele impela isikhathi esithathe ukusesha izizinda ku-InstantDomainSearch.

BEKUFANELE njengegama labo - "InstantDomain Search".

Ngifune igama elithi “Blogger” kodwa alitholakali. Ngakho-ke ngiyishintshele ku- "blogger666" futhi kwabonakala kuyatholakala. Engikuthanda kakhulu izinketho ozithola uma usesha noma yisiphi isizinda.

Bona ngezansi ugaxekile. Kuvela uma uchofoza umbuthano oluhlaza.

Unenketho yokuvakashela isiza, ihlole igama lesizinda, sesha ku-Google, uthole ukuthi leyo ndawo ibukeka kanjani isebenzisa Kungikhombisile nangabe kukhona amagama we-FB, Twitter ne-Pinterest atholakala kuleli gama. Ngiyayithanda.
Domain Name Generators: InstantDomainSearch

7. Domain Name Generators:

I-interface ye-Iwantmyname ilula futhi iqondile.

Ngazama ukusesha amagama athi “Blogger Design” njengoba kukhonjisiwe ngezansi:
Domain Name Generators: Iwantmyname
Futhi ilahle ezinye izinketho ezithokozisayo. Imiphumela yokusesha yeza ngokushesha.
Iphinde yangena ngaphakathi Amagama Ezizwe Ajwayelekile (IDN), okuyinto engingakaze ngiyibone kwamanye ama-generator wegama lesizinda.
Once you select a domain and add it to the cart, it checks out from their site. They don’t seem to direct to popular domain registrars.

8. Domain Name Generators:

AbakwaNamestall banezinhlobo ezihlukile zamathuluzi wokukhiqiza igama lesizinda, kufaka phakathi:

  1. Ithuluzi Lokulawula Igama Lobubanzi
  2. Ithuluzi lesizinda segama lesizinda
  3. 3 & 4 letter domain search tool
  4. Ukusesha Okuphezulu kwamagama angukhiye

Domain Name Generators: Namestall
Ngobubanzi bale ndatshana, ngizovele ngibuyekeze Ithuluzi Lama-Domain Name Generator.

Ngifune igama elithi “blogger” kulo futhi langikhombisa imiphumela njengoba inikezwe ngezansi:
Into enhle ngeNamestall iwukuthi - akugcinanga nje ukunginikeza izinketho zokubhalisa isizinda, futhi yanginikeza nenketho yokubhalisa i-domain + ukusingathwa - yayiyinhle impela futhi ilula.

9. Domain Name Generators:

Hambisa phezulu ukuze ubuke kuqala

domain name generators: Nameboy

Noma enegama elipholile kanjena, u-Nameboy usenokuxhumana kwewebhu okwakudala.

Ngikwenzile ukusesha ngokufaka i- “Blogger” kanye ne- “design” ekhasini lasekhaya ngenziwe ibhokisi le- “Rhyme”.

Futhi nakhu kungibonisa:
igama lomfana 2
Ngayithanda igridi eyethulwa. Kubonise ngobunono obekutholakalayo ngendlela elula, kodwa ephumelelayo.

However, I could not see any effect on the  “Rhyme” check box on my result.

Futhi ukuchofoza kunoma yisiphi isixhumanisi esithi "Thenga" kungilethe ngqo Godaddy.

Ngaphandle kwalokhu, ngangihlola abakhiqizi begama lesizinda abalandelayo:

Kodwa angizange ngizwe ukuthi noma yikuphi okungenhla obekufanele ukukubhalele.

Kepha uma uqala, bese-ke esikhundleni sokusebenzisa imali, ungakucabanga

I-Panabee or I-InstantDomainSearch.

Futhi uma kwenzeka uthola abanye abakhiqizi begama lesizinda elihle, engingazange ngilihlanganise, ngicela ubasho ngezansi.

Ukuze ufunde kabanzi ngamagama Domain, funda Indaba Yamagama Amagama.

Inhlanhla futhi uthole igama lesizinda esingcono kakhulu!