Webflow Pārskats: 8 plus un 2 mīnusi lietošanā Webflow Vietņu veidotājs
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Webflow Pārskats: 8 plus un 2 mīnusi lietošanā Webflow Vietņu veidotājs

Due to services like Webflow, website designing has reached new heights. What seemed complex a few years back, has been completely eased out by a lot of vietņu veidotāji.

Knowing which website builder suits your requirement requires some background knowledge about the website builder along with understanding what it offers.

Viens no šādiem vietņu veidotājiem, kas ir kļuvis arvien populārāks, ir Webflow.

Webflow ir vietņu veidotājs, kas velk un nomet, lai izveidotu atsaucīgas vietnes. Pirmoreiz tas tika uzsākts 2013. gadā, un tā galvenā mītne atrodas Sanfrancisko, Kalifornijas štatā, ASV.

Bet, Webflow has a more unique pitch than most website builders:

What if you could combine the usability of a website builder with the power of code? And a fully featured CMS (content management system)?

So from that alone, Webflow probably sounds like a great website builder.

Which leads to questions:

What is like to actually use Webflow? Is it good? Is it suitable for YOU?

Nu, turieties, pirms izlemjat, vai Webflow ir piemērots jums.

Through this review, I will unveil some of the pros and cons of the oddest website builders around.


  • loads of features provide EVERYTHING you need, including: an overall website builder; templates; content management system; ecommerce and marketing tools; and more.
  • Specifically, the design tools are very powerful and rival what you can do with code
  • wide range of plans means a lot of customer choice
  • secure host
  • easy to use, relative to powerful features
  • lielisks sniegums
  • labs klientu atbalsts

  • limited code customization
  • plan variation may be confusing
  • more of a learning curve because of the many powerful features
  • Traffic limits on some plans

Pros of Webflow:

Viena no lielākajām priekšrocībām Webflow ir tas, ka jūs varat sākt to izmantot bezmaksas. Tas ir mūžīgi bez maksas. Piemērota vieta personām ar mazu budžetu.
tīmekļa plūsma

WebFlow Features:

Būtu lietderīgi pievienot to funkcijas kā vienu no plusiem.

Nu, protams, tam ir iemesls.

Tās vilkšanas un nomešanas vietņu veidotājs, ko ārkārtīgi atbalsta HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ir izveidots, lai izveidotu vizuāli pievilcīgas un interaktīvas vietnes, kuras var atbalstīt arī animācijas.

However, no code is needed on your end to build your website on Webflow.

The CMS (content management system) and E-commerce supported by Webflow ļaut easy website designing. Similarly, the editor along with seamless web hosting capabilities makes it quicker to launch your website.

The plans include advanced SEO controls and the sites developed with Webflow visi ir SEO draudzīgi.

Bez tam jūs piekļūstat vairāk nekā 100 reaģējošām veidnēm. Webflow nodrošina uz REST balstītu API, kuru varat izmantot, lai atjauninātu / pievienotu / izdzēstu vienumus no savas CMS.

Plāna elastība:

Webflow nodrošina daudzpusīgus plānus. Kā jau minēju, jums ir iespēja izvēlēties viņu bezmaksas plāns which remains free forever. With the free plan, you can use two projects with full designing and publish on webflow.io.

But of course, you’re probably wondering about the real question: how much is Webflow, faktiski?

Let’s get into the real Webflow pricing. There are two types of paid plans:

Plāni ir sadalīti šādi:

  • Vietnes plāns - šī ir pamata mājas lapas veidošana
  • Konta plāni - šī ir sarežģītāka vietnes veidošana ar papildu funkcijām.

Vietnes plāns nodrošina 2 plānu veidus -

  • Vietņu plāni
  • E-komercijas plāni

There are 4 plans with the pamatplāns sākot no USD 14 mēnesī.

Webflow Cena

E-komercijas plānos ir arī 3 dažādi plāni, sākot no USD 29 mēnesī.

Webflow E-komercijas plāni

This is a bit on the higher end, but overall the Webflow ecommerce price range is like other website builders, including e-commerce focused website builders.

The standard plan contains 2% transaction fees, while the other plans do not have any transaction fees.
Plāni atbalsta daudzas mārketinga iespējas ar nelielu pamata un paaugstināta līmeņa mārketinga atbalstu. Tas ir pieejams neatkarīgi no jūsu izvēlētā plāna.

The e-commerce plans possess a revenue cap for the first two plans.

A point to note is that the renewals are higher priced as compared to the first-time pricing.

So those three e-commerce and four “website” plans are ALL part of the first main category, of “site plans.”

While it has lot of options, the Account plans do too.

Kontu plāniem ir 2 veidu plāni:

  • For In-house teams
  • For freelancers & agencies

Webflow Type of plans
In the in-house teams plan, you have one free plan along with 2 other paid plans. The plans available are as highlighted below.

Webflow In-house Team Plan

The Freelancers & Agencies there are 2 plans as highlighted below.

Webflow Freelancers & Agencies Plan

Kopumā plāni ir pieņemami daudzām iespējām, ko katrs plāns piedāvā. Ņemot vērā faktu, ka jums ir tik daudz plāna iespēju, varat izvēlēties the best plan based on your website requirements.

Webflow Drošība:

Papildus vairāku funkciju nodrošināšanai, Webflow also has appropriate basic security controls. Each plan is supported with a free SSL certificate.

Visos plānos ir iekļauta dublēšana un versiju veidošana.


Papildus tam visu vietni var aizsargāt un aizsargāt ar paroli.


Webflow provides enhanced security by ensuring it has the required compliance.

In addition to meeting industry security standards with ISO 27001 certification, Webflow is undergoing another audit soon.

Moreover, the payment processor Webflow uses is secure:

Webflow-security compliance

Which is essential for having a secure online store.

Lietošanas ērtums:

You might be wondering about Webflowlietošanas ērtums.

After all, even though you don’t have to know code at all, Webflow offers so many features that it might not seem easy to use.

But the good news is that even the features Webflow offers themselves are easy to use.

There are a lot of intuitive web design features added onto Webflow’s website builder.

Your website designing only requires simple drag and drop functionality. And again, with zero code required.


Vietnes redaktors nodrošina vienkāršotu skatu, izvēlnei atrodoties galējā kreisajā pusē.

Jūs varat izvēlēties elementu un to pielāgot. Webflow atbalsta vairāk nekā 2000 fontus.


Lai gan es saku, ka katru elementu var pielāgot, es arī pieminēšu, ka tas nekādā gadījumā nav pamata pielāgošana. Varat izveidot dažus patiešām sarežģītus pielāgojumus.


So that’s why Webflow is such an impressive website builder. And although Webflow offers tons of features in the site builder, the overarching focus is on ease of use.

The huge range of features that come by default negate the need for plugins, which you would usually need on a rival CMS like WordPress, or even rival website building companies like Shopify or Wix.

However, you can still add HUNDREDS of third party applications through the app Zapier, which Webflow allows easily.

But I’ll talk more on the CMS feature later in this review. For now…


Webflow kā vietņu veidotājs nodrošina labu 100 veidņu kolekciju. Šīs veidnes ir pilnībā reaģējošas uz mobilajām ierīcēm.

To var pielāgot, izmantojot iebūvēto Webflowredaktors bez koda.

Webflow provides a list of website templates to search from.


Labākais Webflow templates do cost money.

Bet par laimi, Webflow nodrošina arī labu bezmaksas veidņu kolekciju e-komercijai, CMS, biznesam un citiem.

It’s easy to find a template right for your specific site.

Webflow nodala katru veidni, pamatojoties uz domēnu, un iesniedz veidņu noformējumu sarakstu.


All in all, Webflow provides a great selection of templates. The templates work well with the site builder, and are great for making a responsive website.

Atbilde un Uptime:

Webflow has very good uptime and is super fast. It has to be, or it wouldn’t be as successful as it is:

Webflow processes 3x more pageviews through its customers’ sites a month than CNN.com and BBC.com combined.

It’s roster of high profile clients means that Webflow is trusted with, and successfully, delivers excellent performance.

Vienlaicīgi ar uptime Webflow nodrošina arī labu reakcijas laiku ar ātru ātruma atbalstu. Infrastruktūra, ko izmanto Webflow is designed to ensure consistent, fast speed for your site.

webflow-speed example

Webflow atbalsta tūlītēju resursu palielināšanu. Visos plānos ietilpst CDN par ātru ātrumu. Kaut arī sarežģītākos plānos ietilpst Advanced Global CDN.

That’s essential for anyone who anticipates steady site growth, or even just if you want to be ready for the moment your site explodes in popularity.

Visvairāk pamatplāns supports 2,50,000 site visits per month.

I have an issue with that, that I’ll get to later in this review, but it’s not big.

CMS atbalsts:

Webflow’s CMS is flawlessly integrated into the rest of the software and features.

If you used another CMS, like WordPress, you would need to connect a web host and domain, plus perhaps even buy a page builder add-on within that CMS.

Jūs varat redzēt manu review of the best WordPress alternatives for more on that topic.

Or if you used a more normal website builder with less features, you’d probably have minimal CMS features (like Wix).

Jūs varat pārbaudīt my review of the best Webflow alternatīvas to see more on how its competitors compare. But ultimately there’s a loss of features for Webflow alternatīvas.

Tātad, izmantojot Webflow’s CMS is much easier to use than another CMS but also more powerful than a typical site builder.

You can quickly create a blog post, and review and manage all your other content.

Turklāt, Webflow provides good CMS support.

Lai to labāk ilustrētu, Webflow nodrošina arī izstrādātus video, kas detalizētāk demonstrē katru funkciju.

E-komercijas atbalsts:

Webflow ir vienlīdz labs atbalsts e-komercijas projektēšanā. Tas ir redzams ne tikai no tā e-komercijas plāniem, bet arī no pielāgojumiem, ko tas nodrošina redaktorā e-komercijas veikala izstrādei.
Veikala iestatīšanu un noformēšanu var pabeigt, veicot dažus klikšķus.

As with regular site editing, no code is needed.

Plus, ecommerce features include more than just ecommerce site design. Marketing tools are also included to elevate every step of your ecommerce game.

Here’s one example of this:webflow-ecommerce-email design

Klientu atbalsts:

Ja, lietojot, jūs kādreiz jūtaties zaudēts Webflow, tad nav jāuztraucas kopš Webflow provides a huge array of resources you can review.webflow-support

One of the best things about the forum is that you can always get the latest tips and fixes.

For example, some of these important topics were last updated with information less than an hour before I typed this:Webflow- forums

The forum is a great resource, but Webflow University is the real highlight here.

Webflow university has a ton of information that basically substitutes for a knowledge base.

Just about every single aspect of making a good website, or how to use Webflow specifically, is there, a further boon to ease of use.

Papildus daudzām klientu atbalsta iespējām, Webflow nodrošina arī tūlītēju resursu meklētāju.

tūlītējas atbildes

If still, you need help, then you can also message their customer support. The customer support typically provides email responses within a few hours.


Webflow ir labs blog collection which is also informative.


Webflow nodrošina atbalstu ar daudz video konsultācijas kas aptver katru tēmu.

For anything else, Webflow tajā ir arī FAQ sadaļa.


Trūkumi Webflow:

Webflow ir daudz intuitīvu īpašību, par to nav šaubu. Bet vai tam ir arī kādi trūkumi?

Tāpat kā jebkura cita platforma, Webflow tam ir daži trūkumi, kurus es šeit uzsvērtu.

Par viņu augstākajām atjaunošanas likmēm vai maksu par darījumiem nerunāšu e-komercijas pamatplānā. Tas ir kaut kas, ko iekļauj arī daudzi konkurenti.

Tātad, kas īsti ir šie mīnusi?

Koda pielāgojumi:

Webflow is easy to use with its drag and drop options. However, if you are looking for complex code level customizations, then this is not possible.

Kamēr Webflow labi darbojas ar iepriekš definētajām veidnēm un redaktoru pielāgojumiem, tā nodrošina minimālu koda līmeņa pielāgošanu.

Additionally, while you can export your site’s code via download, you can’t wholly import site code into Webflow.


Plāni, ko sniedza Webflow ir daudzpusīgas, kā esmu uzsvēris iepriekš. Lai gan tas dod milzīgu izvēli, vairākos gadījumos lietotājiem šie plāni var šķist mulsinoši.

Additionally, it can feel unnecessarily complex at first: it’s not like most rival website builders, which don’t have the same range of plans.

On first glance, it does take some time to decipher which plan is the most suitable one. Having said this, I would also like to mention that WebflowKlientu atbalsts sniedz norādījumus par piemērotiem plāniem.

Stāvā mācīšanās līkne:

Webflow nodrošina huge list of features. With a long feature list also comes a steep learning curve.

Tātad, ja jūs tikko sākat darbu, pirms reāllaika izpētes un izmantošanas to redaktorā var būt nepieciešams iziet vairākas konsultācijas.

Pateicoties to labajai resursu kolekcijai kopā ar vairākām video pamācībām, tas lielākā mērā atvieglo mācīšanās līkni.

Additionally, as I said earlier, the website builder and CMS are ultimately intended to make web design easier.

So it gets easier to use Webflow quickly, and the learning curve doesn’t last too long, thanks to both support and a good interface.

Ultimately there’s just a natural tradeoff that happens when you’re trying to develop websites with code, but without actually writing code.

Traffic limit

While most hosts and website builders will give a number as to how much traffic a given plan can support in a month, these are usually just estimates.

In fact, most companies will say explicitly that traffic numbers are not formal limits set by the plans, just an estimate of capacity.

Tas tā nav Webflow:

Webflow Cena

However, the limits are pretty reasonable proportionate to price, features, and performance.

Do I recommend WebFlow?

In this review I looked at a lot of pros and cons.

Tāpat kā citi Webflow does have few cons, but nothing that is a serious concern. At the end of the day, it’s clear there’s a lot more to like about Webflow than not.

Webflow nodrošina plāni which would fit any website budget, any type of site, and a range of site requirements.

Whether you maintain a blog or informational site that requires an extensive CMS, or whether you just need the best one-page site ever–all the tools are there.

Its feature list, ease of usage, template collections, seamless editor and great customer support, are something which you just can’t miss, they stand out among website builders.

Atklāti sakot, Webflow may add some complexity its competitors don’t have, but it’s also the closest a site builder has come to giving users power of code in terms of what they can create.

If you are truly looking for a simple to use drag and drop editor which can create visually appealing site designs, then Webflow is a one-stop shop for that and much more.

But if this review sounds too good to be true, don’t take my word for it! The best way to find out if you like it…is to just try it!

Remember, you can make a site for FREE and only pay when you feel ready:webflow-free

Hope this review was helpful to you.

Happy site building!

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