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6 vislabāk HostGator Alternatives for 2024 (#1 is our Favorite)

In this article, we present 6 popular HostGator alternatīvas.

HostGator has had several network outages since its original owner sold it to Endurance International Group (EIG).

With the yearly outages plaguing its network since 2012, we wonder when the next HostGator nobīde var būt.

Citas bažas, par kurām daži ir pauduši HostGator ir tā pasliktinātais klientu atbalsts, kas atkal radās pēc tam, kad EIG to iegādājās.

Ja esat piesardzīgs HostGator in light of the network outages and/or worsening customer support, we present you 6 popular HostGator alternatīvas.

hostinga tablete6 vislabāk HostGator Alternatīvas
  1. GreenGeeks (Mans mīļākais)
  2. Bluehost
  3. IONOS
  4. Interserver
  5. A2 Hosting
  6. DreamHost

HostGator Alternatives for domain registration:

  • NameCheap [Īpašais piedāvājums 1 gadam - .COM tikai par 8.88 USD - 19% atlaide]

Jo īpaši mēs apskatīsim, kā šie uzņēmumi mēra HostGator attiecībā uz funkcijām, cenu un klientu atbalstu, kas ir viena no vissvarīgākajām lietām, kas jāņem vērā, salīdzinot potenciālo tīmekļa mitinātāju iespējas.

Lūdzu, lasiet tos, lai iegūtu sīkāku skaidrojumu par katru no tām.

hostgator alternatīvas

1: GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks karogs

Mūsu pirmais HostGator alternatives is, GreenGeeks, which offers the following advantages over HostGator:

1. priekšrocība - iespējas

GreenGeeks tiešām izceļas ar īpašībām. Faktiski tas ir viens no vislabāk piedāvātajiem tīmekļa mitinātājiem, ko jebkad esmu izmantojis.

Un tas nozīmē, ka tas ir nopietni labāk atspoguļots nekā HostGator.

Šis ir pārskats par HostGatorFunkcijas ir šādas:hostgator plāni

Un šeit ir tikai pārskats par to, kas GreenGeeks piedāvā ar saviem plāniem:greengeeks plāns

Redzi? Ir milzīga atšķirība.

Jūs saņemat ļoti daudz lietu, pat neierobežotu, pat par pirmo pakāpi. Turklāt, palielinot mērogu, jūs iegūsit modernākas lietas, piemēram, Cloudflare CDN un citus veiktspējas uzlabojumus.

So GreenGeeks noteikti ir kādas funkcijas priekšrocības salīdzinājumā ar HostGator.

Tik daudz, ka šajā sarakstā es vēlāk izcelšu īpašas funkcijas, kurām jāpievērš uzmanība. Bet vispirms:

2. priekšrocība - labāks darba un reakcijas laiks

Mēs esam pārbaudījuši abus HostGator un GreenGeeks. Zemāk redzamie rezultāti runā paši par sevi.

Lūk HostGatoruptime:hostgator testa vietne

Jūs pats varat redzēt sarakstu un iegūt sīkāku informāciju, šeit.

Bet salīdziniet šos uptime rādītājus un šos reakcijas laikus ar GreenGeeks:greengeeks testa vietne

Kā jūs varat redzēt, šeit, tas nav konkurss.

GreenGeeks"Mēnesis ar sliktāko sniegumu joprojām būtu labs mēnesis HostGator. GreenGeeks ir gandrīz ideāls darbspējas laiks, un arī liels atbildes laiks.

Ne visi vienlīdz rūpējas par uptime, bet tas ir patiešām svarīgs mitināšanas aspekts.

Un šeit GreenGeeks ir ļoti skaidra mala HostGator.

3. priekšrocība - iekļauti vēl citi drošības līdzekļi

Viena no manām galvenajām problēmām ar HostGator ir pamatotas drošības trūkums. HostGator neizklāsta daudz tās drošības infrastruktūras vai protokolu.

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana drošība par piedāvātajiem rīkiem ir jāmaksā papildus jebkuram iegādātajam mitināšanas plānam.

ar GreenGeeks, pat sākuma līmeņa pakotnei pēc noklusējuma ir ļoti daudz drošības elementu.greengeeks drošība un uzticamība

Ņemiet vērā, ka daži no šiem rīkiem, piemēram, nakts dublējums, ir dārgi papildinājumi HostGator.

Un, protams, augstākā līmeņa plāns pirkt tālāk GreenGeeks, jo labāka drošība.

Bet tas ir patiešām iespaidīgi, ka, lai iegūtu lētāko iespējamo variantu, jūs uzreiz saņemat pat vairāk drošības līdzekļu nekā jūs varētu HostGatoraugstākie līmeņi.

4. priekšrocība - iekļautā SSD krātuve

Cietvielu disku serveri nodrošina daudz ātrāku piekļuvi un ir daudz drošāki nekā tradicionālie serveri HostGator nodarbina.greengeeks ssd krātuve

Kas arī ir jauks GreenGeeks, ir tas, ka tas neierobežo SSD glabāšanu nevienā līmenī - kaut arī daudzi saimnieki ierobežo ierobežojumus.

Lai padarītu to vēl labāku, katram līmenim ir neierobežotas MySQL datu bāzes.

Tikmēr šī rakstīšanas laikā HostGator nav pat SSD opcijas.

5. priekšrocība - videi draudzīgs

Šī ir viena no lietām GreenGeeks ir patiešām pazīstams ar. Galu galā tas ir nosaukumā!

GreenGeeks nav tikai kāda mala pāri HostGator šim nolūkam tai ir priekšrocības arī pārējiem hostinga uzņēmumiem.

Tas ir tāpēc, ka:greengeeks videi draudzīgu

Jā. Serveri un datu centri ne vienmēr ir videi draudzīgi, ja mēs pret to izturamies saudzīgi.

Bet GreenGeeks Trīsreiz atkārtoti iegulda resursus, ko jūsu vietne patērē atjaunojamās enerģijas jomā.

Kas ir vēl labāk, tas netiek piegādāts ar 300% augstāku cenu zīmi. Nē, izmantojot GreenGeeks nozīmē būt videi draudzīgam par normāli hostinga cenām!

GreenGeeks'Ecosite Lite plāna izmaksas: 2.95 USD / mēn.

2: BlueHost (Our Favorite)

bluehost-mājas lapa

Let’s look at the second HostGator alternatives on our list, BlueHost, which serves more than two million websites currently.

Zemāk ir iemesli, kāpēc BlueHost ir lielisks HostGator Alternatīvas.

1. iemesls - iebūvēts satura piegādes tīkls (CDN)

CloudFlare CDN

visi BlueHost mitināšanas plāni atrodas CloudFlare, vienā no pasaules cienījamākajiem CDN.

Tas nozīmē, ka vietnes tiek apkalpotas ātrāk, lai kur arī atrastos lietotājs, jo tās tiek replicētas / saglabātas kešatmiņā Cloudflare starpniekserveru tīklā visā pasaulē.

Minot piemēru, lietotājs, kurš atrodas Ņujorkā un piekļūst vietnei, kas mitināta serverī kaut kur Kalifornijā, pieredzēs tādu pašu ātrumu kā lietotājs Kalifornijā, jo vietne tiek apkalpota vietā, kas atrodas netālu no Ņujorkas.

šis BlueHost advantage is not available on HostGator. Thus, in terms of faster access to your websites, BlueHost is a clear winner, at least on paper.

2. iemesls - WooCommerce Hostings

bluehost Woocommerce mitināšana

BlueHost is one of the few provider that offers WooCommerce Hostings. If you’re looking to set up a WooCommerce store, BlueHost is the ideal web host for exactly this reason.

Tā vietā, lai pats iestatītu WooCommerce savā mitināšanas plānā, BlueHost izveidos to jums, palīdzot ietaupīt laiku un naudu procesa laikā.

On HostGator, jums būs manuāli jāiestata WooCommerce, kad būsit abonējis mitināšanas plānu. Ja esat iesācējs WooCommerce, tas var izrādīties laikietilpīgs, ja pat pilnīgi neiespējams.

3. iemesls - klientu atbalsts

Sazinies ar mums - BlueHost
Attēla avots no Bluehost

BlueHost piedāvā Diennakts tērzēšana un atbalsts pa tālruni. Ir pieejama arī zināšanu bāze, uz kuru klienti var atsaukties, lai gan, kā minēts iepriekš, tajā var būt trūkstošās informācijas.

To tomēr var novērst, izmantojot citus pieejamos atbalsta kanālus.

Atbalsta iespējas vairāk saista ar atsevišķu tērzēšanas un tālruņu numuru pieejamību dažādām klientu interesējošām jomām.

Piemēram, pastāv atsevišķi tērzēšanas kanāli un tālruņu numuri vispārīgiem pārdošanas jautājumiem, jauniem uzņēmumiem, jauniem klientiem, trafika ģenerēšanai un vietņu ātrumam un veiktspējai.

Mēs nevaram atrast līdzīgu iespēju citu pakalpojumu sniedzēju vietnēs, uz kurām attiecas šis raksts.

HostGator šai funkcijai nav, lai gan tai ir diennakts atbalsts, kā arī e-pasts, tērzēšana un tiešsaistes biļešu sistēma.

Tomēr, kā minēts iepriekš, HostGator ir kritizēta par tās nepietiekamo attieksmi pret atbalstu.

4. iemesls - video pamācības

BlueHost WordPress Training Videos

Vēl viena lieta, kas turpinās BlueHost ir tā aktīvais, bieži atjauninātais YouTube kanāls, kurā ir simtiem video apmācību par visdažādākajām tēmām, sākot no tīmekļa mitināšanas pamatiem un beidzot ar WordPress pārskatiun tīmekļa dizaina apmācības tīmekļa semināru apmācībai.

Tomēr HostGator tam ir savas video pamācības, kuras kādu laiku nav atjauninātas. Tas ir redzams, apskatot a HostGator Flash video, kurā parādīts a HostGator pakalpojums vecā Internet Explorer versijā.

Turklāt tās apmācības sērijā ir apskatītas tikai visvienkāršākās tēmas.

5. iemesls - resursu aizsardzība

BlueHost offers resource protection for websites on its shared hosting plans.

Kad BlueHost identifies excessive resource usage by a website, it automatically shifts that website over to an isolated server.

Tas efektīvi ierobežo pārmērīga resursu izmantošanas ietekmi uz citām koplietotā servera vietnēm.

Atkal, tas ir a BlueHost innovation that cannot be found in HostGatorvai jebkuru citu tīmekļa mitinātāju šajā jautājumā.

BlueHost Basic Plan Cost: $2.95/mo.

HostGator Alternatives No.3: IONOS

hostgator ionos intro

IONOS un HostGator are among the oldest web hosting brands in the world. IONOS began the services in 1988 in Europe and now has branches in many countries, including the US. It now has more than 12 million domains and over 8 million global customers. In addition, it provides powerful servers useful for start-ups and mid-sized businesses. Here are some of the reasons why IONOS is among the great HostGator alternatīvas.

1. iemesls - cenu noteikšana

IONOS offers products at a great price. The pricing is transparent and has no hidden fees. That means you pay what you see.

If you are looking to build a website, use the MyWebsite Builder and eCommerce store creator. It lets you create, customize and personalize using the pre-designed templates. The basic mājas lapas veidošana plan starts at $1/month for 1 year. The advanced version starts at $10/month for 1 year.

Whether you want to make a website, start your online store or want a WordPress host, IONOS has budget plans to suit all types of customers.

Though the pricing of HostGator is cheap across all the hosting services. It is good only when you use it as a long-term web host and are willing to pay in advance. If you plan to pay monthly, then HostGator pricing is two times that of IONOS.

hostgator ionos rs1

hostgator ionos rs12

Reason 2 – Features

There are many features of IONOS that make it an excellent hosting service provider. It offers daily backups, which are helpful for those who publish a lot of data. HostGator provides weekly backups.

IONOS offers a free domain for 1 year for contracts of 12 months. If you want to end the contract before that, you will not be charged. HostGator charges a fee for ending the contract early and is non-refundable.

Security features like free SSL certificates are available on all IONOS hosting plans. Furthermore, it uses DDoS protection to prevent third-party attacks on servers. This ensures that the websites are safe to use at all times. In addition, the high-priced plans get SiteLock security that is effective against malware.

Reason 3 – Usability

Using the IONOS hosting services is easy as it offers a friendly interface. The Website Builder has many tools that aid in building a helpful website in very little time. Templates to build websites are available, along with customizations through drag and drop.

A team of expert designers is available to help build a website and optimize for SEO. Increasing the site visibility through the use of the List Local option is a valuable feature.

HostGator uses the standard cPanel, which may be straightforward but is clumsy to use.

hostgator ionos rs3

4. iemesls - klientu atbalsts

Customer support is an important aspect to consider when purchasing a hosting service. IONOS offers live chat support to get help on all queries and is not limited to only technical support. The response is quick, fast, cordial, and reliable. But the executives are not very knowledgeable. Comparatively, the HostGator customer support is more knowledgeable at fixing issues.

IONOS is a hosting service with better performance, features, and pricing when compared to HostGator.

HostGator Alternatives No.4: Interserver

hostgator interserver intro

InterServer is a web hosting provider that started operations in 1999. Over the years, it has evolved its product offerings. It now provides shared hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated servers, and more. Let’s find out why it is a good substitute for HostGator.

Reason 1 – Cheap Hosting Plans

InterServer offers budget web hosting plans that are all-inclusive. The standard web hosting starts at $2.50 per month. It includes unlimited SSD storage, unlimited Email accounts, unlimited bandwidth, and more. The ASP.NET plan price starts at $8/month. It has speed optimizations, unlimited storage, and a control panel for easy usage.

The flexible VPS Special hosting plan starts at $6/month. It has a storage of 30 GB SSD, 2 GB RAM, 1 CPU Core, and 1TB transfer of data. Customizations to this plan are available on paying more.

The Dedicated Server entry-level plans start at $49/month. It has features like 20TB transfer and DDoS protection. It also has Data Migration, Managed Support, and other such features. If the customer is not satisfied with the performance of any plans, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Lai gan HostGator offers lower prices compared to InterServer. But there are no lengthy contracts in InterServer, and customers get discounted prices. Moreover, there are no sudden price increases. So the users know what to expect in their bills.

hostgator interserver rs1

Reason 2 – Features

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana InterServer web hosting is fast and reliable, with an uptime of 99.9%. It partners with CloudFlare and uses the caching data center to provide this uptime. The websites hosted on the servers load faster due to network optimization. Hence, the servers are never overloaded due to the uses of advanced server technology.

There is a free migration service available for new customers. To migrate from other hosts, all you need to do is backup and download the cPanel. This saves a lot of time when moving to the InterServer hosting. However, migrating to HostGator is not easy and free.

Reason 3 – Security

Hosting your websites on InterServer is secure and reliable. That is due to the security mechanism called InterShield. End users who are at risk of malicious attacks are provided this feature.. The InterShield has robust malware attack prevention. It has Automatic scans, Malware detection, Web App Firewall, and File Upload Scanner. This thereby prevents any security threats to websites hosted on their server.

HostGator also offers great security features. It provides a customized firewall, DDoS protection, and large mod security rules. So not much difference here.

Reason 4 – Customer support

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana InterServer offers responsive customer support 24/7. Customer support is available through Live Chat, Email, Phone, and Facebook Chat. The knowledge base contains valuable information on various topics. There are also tutorials available on WordPress, Email, eCommerce, Joomla, and more.

HostGator also has a good customer support team, but they do not offer Email support. The tutorial option is unavailable. The ticket resolution is not as fast as InterServer.

HostGator Alternatives No.5: A2 Hosting

hostgator a2hosting intro

A2 Hosting is a company that started its operation in 2001. But it has gained a reputation as a fast web hosting provider. Since no two service providers are equal, it is vital to know the features and pricing. A2 Hosting can be a good substitute if moving from HostGator šādu iemeslu dēļ.

Reason 1 – Fast Page Speed and Uptime

A2 Hosting is a web hosting solution that has a reputation for providing fast service. Whether it is a high-traffic eCommerce website or a blog, the page loads fast. That means the site or blog has fewer bounce rates, better SEO, and more conversions.

Even the shared hosting offers up to 20 times faster servers than its competitors. That is because of:

  • More physical memory
  • Pre-configured caching for faster page loads
  • Lesser users per server

The hosting service responds fast even when there is an increase in web traffic. A2 Hosting ensures that the websites are always available. The service provider has an uptime of 99.9% due to dedicated and reliable servers.

HostGator does not fare that well when it comes to page load or uptime as they have fewer data centers.

hostgator a2hosting rs1

HostGator provides all the essential features that a hosting provider should provide. It offers unlimited bandwidth, storage, 1 click installs, website builders, etc. But A2 Hosting delivers much more than that. This includes;

  • Free SSDs to host websites and boost website speed.
  • Free SSL certificates for website security and user transaction security.
  • Money-back guarantee if the customer is not satisfied with the services provided.
  • Variety of hosting options including unmanaged server, managed server, SSD server, and more.
  • A2 Hosting owns its data centers. Choose a data center from all over the world so that it is close to your site and visitors.
  • SSH Hosting is fast and always available.
  • Register or add new domains at affordable prices and manage them without effort.

Reason 2 – Affordable Pricing

A2 Hosting offers high-performance web hosting options.

The Shared hosting costs $2.99/month. It is ideal for hosting a single website or blog. The setting up is easy, and the performance is fast. There is also an option of free migration from other hosts.

Reseller hosting prices start from $18.99/month. It is ideal for hosting your own customers and offers fast performance.

VPS Hosting pricing is at $4.99/month and is for people who want more than shared hosting. This provided better security and speed while offering free migration from other hosts.

The Dedicated Server plan is for customers who need more power and resources. It also caters to businesses that have high web traffic.

HostGator plans are affordable if you want shared web hosting. But for all other hosting options, A2 Hosting ir labāk.hostgator a2hosting rs2

Reason 3 – SSL Security Options

Enhance your website security using a range of SSL certificates. Free SSL certificates are available on web hosting. But to boost your website security, opt for Premium or Advanced SSL. Wildcard SSL certificates are available to protect all your subdomains.

HostGator offers free SSL certificates but does not offer so many options.

hostgator a2hosting rs3

4. iemesls - klientu atbalsts

A2 Hosting provides 24/7 customer support via live chat, phone, and email. The live chat support is responsive and fast. The company has Guru Crew support, who are experts in problem resolution. Availability of extensive knowledge bases gives step-by-step instructions about hosting platforms.

HostGator customer support is not as responsive. Customers have complaints of long waits and improper responses.

hostgator a2hosting rs4

HostGator Alternatives No.6: DreamHost

hostgator dreamhost intro

When looking for a web host, HostGator is one of the leading providers. But, DreamHost is not behind. The company started its operations in 1996 and now has more than 400k customers. It hosts more than 1.5 million websites, blogs, and applications. Here are a few reasons to choose DreamHost as your web hosting provider.

Reason 1 – High Speed and Quality Performance

The web hosting company offers various services for outstanding performance and speed. It helps to scale websites and applications through its shared, dedicated, VPS, or cloud hosting. Each of these offers quality performance and fast page loads. That can transform the quality of your websites.

Piemēram, DreamHost has products that are compatible with WordPress. So there is the seamless integration of your WordPress website and DreamHost. That makes websites run at incredible speeds.

DreamHost uses SSDs for its storage which makes websites work faster. Visitors get a better viewing experience as there is no lag.

The websites hosted on DreamHost have reliable uptime due to various data centers. So the site is always available even when there is an outage. Hosting on this means the site is always available and works at full potential.

HostGator too delivers good performance in speed and quality. It is at the same level as DreamHost when it comes to fast page loads. But when the web traffic increases, there is a cap on visitors in specific plans.

Reason 2 – Affordable Pricing and Plans

One of the most important aspects of web hosting is pricing. DreamHost offers affordable pricing on all web hosting services. Customized payment options with monthly and yearly billing cycles.

WordPress hosting starts at $2.59/month with a host of features.

The shared hosting brings value to money with a starting price of $2.59/month for a single website plan. The shared unlimited has a price tag of $3.95/month for unlimited websites.

The VPS hosting plans start at $10/month for the basic version. However, it can go up to $80/month for resource-intensive VPS Enterprise.

If you want your own server, the Dedicated hosting starts at $169/month. Cloud hosting with fast servers costs $0.0075/hour.

If you want to launch a website, use the Website Builder plan starting at $2.59/month.

Salīdzinot ar HostGator, DreamHost pricing is affordable and transparent.

hostgator dreamhost rs2

hostgator dreamhost rs22

Reason 3 – Easy to Use

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana DreamHost is easy to use for even beginners. It has an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. The Website Builder option is a good choice for anyone who wants to set up a website. It gives complete control over how the website appears without knowing the technicalities.

1 click install with automatic integration on applications like Joomla, MediaWiki, WordPress, etc.

hostgator dreamhost rs3

Reason 4 – Security

Kad mitināt vietni vietnē DreamHost, there is the assurance of security and reliability. The options include automatic updates to prevent attacks. A WP-specific firewall to protect the sites from vulnerabilities.

It offers pre-configured and managed security with DreamPass. It uses Encrypt SSL certificates, HTTP2, and NGINX for more privacy. Websites with DreamHost come with pre-installed free SSL certificates.

Avail of extra security features through DreamShield, which provides malware scan and virus protection.

Salīdzinot ar HostGator, DreamHost has more security features, some of which are free.

5. iemesls - klientu atbalsts

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana DreamHost agents are available for support 24/7. The in-house team is knowledgeable and resolves issues fast. Apart from support via chat and email, there are other options too. A comprehensive knowledge base with questions, articles, etc., is available.

HostGator too offers 24/7 customer support. But they are not as responsive as DreamHost. There can be a long wait time if the lines are busy.


So who deserves to be the Best among HostGator Alternatīvas?

Funkcijas, ātrs klientu atbalsts un ietaupījumi BlueHost piedāvājumi salīdzinājumā ar HostGator - liek BlueHost o patiess HostGator Alternatīva.

Ja jūs patiešām vēlaties pāriet no HostGator, jums noteikti vajadzētu izrakstīties BlueHost.

Labu veiksmi!