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6 Best BlueHost Alternatives 2024 [#1 is Incredible]

You will look for Bluehost alternatif when you find your needs are not being met by Bluehost.

Sawetara uneg-uneg nalika nggunakake Bluehost layanan gegayutan karo kacepetan, kinerja, struktur rega, pembaruan sing dhuwur, tambahan tambahan sing kalebu ing rencana hosting dhasar, dhukungan pelanggan sing kurang jenenge sawetara.

Amarga watesan iki, akeh Bluehost pangguna nggolek alternatif liyane. BluehostLayanan hina sing nyopir pangguna kanggo milih platform hosting liyane.

Through this post, I will provide you the top 6 Bluehost Alternatif.

hostingpill6 Best BlueHost alternatif
  1. GreenGeeks (Favoritku)
  2. IONOS
  3. LiquidWeb
  4. Dreamhost
  5. Interserver
  6. A2 hosting

BlueHost Alternative No.1: GreenGeeks


The next in the list of Bluehost alternatives is GreenGeeks.

GreenGeeks minangka salah sawijining sawetara host ijo sing kasedhiya ing pasar. Ya, dheweke target supaya energi lan efisien lingkungan.

GreenGeeks wiwitan diwiwiti taun 2008 lan kantor pusat ing California, AS. Nduwe luwih saka 35000 pelanggan lan wis dadi luwih saka 300000 situs web.

GreenGeeks rego rego ing babagan kinerja lan kacepetan. Ora mung iki, duwe rega moderen lan dikempalken sawetara fitur penting.

Kabeh iki digabungake karo dhukungan pelanggan sing cepet sing ndadekake salah sawijining pilihan hosting ndhuwur.

Ing ngisor iki ana sawetara sebab kenapa GreenGeeks yaiku bagean saka Bluehost alternatives list.

Alesan 1 - Kacepetan lan Kinerja:

GreenGeeks rangking cukup prayoga nalika nerangake kacepetan. Uga, kinerja konsisten karo wektu tanggapan sing apik.

Iki nuduhake sepira cepet GreenGeeks. Lan ya, pancen cepet banget. Sabanjure, supaya aku menehi sampeyan katrangan babagan wektu kanthi bait pertama.

greengeeks bait pisanan

Iki uga cukup cepet supaya ora cocog karo Bluehost. Kanggo menehi kinerja sing dhuwur lan efektif, GreenGeeks nambah sawetara teknologi bebarengan.

Iki kalebu sumber komputasi skalable, SSD, Optimized LiteSpeed ​​lan MariaDB, PowerCacher, CDN.

Yen mbandhingake GreenGeeks ekosistem karo BluehostSampeyan bakal ngerti kanthi apik, GreenGeeks wis nyiyapake lan arsitektur sing bisa uga ora bisa uga kacepetan kanthi konsisten.

Alesan 2 - Dhukungan pelanggan:

Dhukungan pelanggan minangka bagean penting kanggo milih platform hosting. GreenGeeks nduweni dhukungan pelanggan sing maneka warna. Sampeyan entuk dhukungan teknis 24/7. Dhukungan pelanggan bisa digayuh liwat obrolan langsung, email, lan telpon.

tambahan, GreenGeeks nduwe basis pengetahuan sing darmabakti kanggo sawetara topik. Iki nduwe tutorial situs web sing duwe tampilan sing gampang nggunakake GreenGeeks.

Iki minangka kahanan win win kanggo GreenGeeks ing comparison karo Bluehost.

Alesan 3 - Wayah lan Kepercayaan:

Nanging parameter liyane sing bakal dakanggep yaiku wektu munggah lan linuwih. GreenGeeks njamin wektu 99.99%.
greengeeks uptime

Sampeyan bisa maca rinci review saka GreenGeeks kanggo ngerti babagan liyane.

Uptime meh konsisten. Iki njaga macem-macem hardware lan keluwih-luwih daya bebarengan karo serep saben wengi.

Inggih, iki maneh kanggo GreenGeeks iku luwih apik tinimbang Bluehost sing dadi sithik mung 99.78%.

Alesan 4 - Fitur:

GreenGeeks, ora kaya platform liya, ora menehi rencana akeh kanggo hosting sing dituduhake. Dheweke duwe rencana tunggal sing cocog kanggo kabeh fitur.

Rencana kasebut diwiwiti saka $ 2.95 saben wulan yen dipilih sajrone wektu 3 taun. Kajaba iku, iki ngasilake jaminan bali 30 dina.

Iki kalebu ruang web SSD tanpa watesan, transfer data tanpa watesan, domain tanpa watesan ing akun 1, registrasi jeneng domain gratis kanthi transfer layanan transfer gratis, pembangun situs web gratis, template gratis.

The rencana nduweni dhukungan kanggo cPanel, lemes, subdomain tanpa watesan lan diparkir domain, data MySQL tanpa watesan.

fitur Rencana Kalebu
domain Unlimited
Ruang SSD Unlimited
Domain Setup & Transfer free
24 / 7 Technical Support Ya
Gedung situs free
Alat Marketing lan SEO free
Akun email Aman IMAP / POP3
price $ 2.95 / mo.

GreenGeeks yaiku ramah pangembang lan menehi pilihan akeh host. Sawetara iki macem-macem versi PHP, SSH gratis, akses FTP aman, dhukungan Perl lan Python, database MySQL, akun FTP, Git lan liya-liyane.

Iki uga dibangun kanthi dhukungan e-commerce sing gedhe banget. Fitur sing klebu gratis kanggo Ayo encrypt wildcard SSL, instalasi grobag gratis, sertifikat SSL bebarengan karo dhukungan kanggo WordPress, Drupal, Joomla.

tambahan, GreenGeeks nawakake wektu 99.99% bebarengan karo 300% energi sing bisa dianyari.

GreenGeeks menehi macem-macem fitur sing kalebu ing rencana, soko ngendi Bluehost pangguna kudu mbayar tambahan.

Alesan 5 - Gunakake Panganggone:

nggunakake GreenGeeks tukang situs web lan cPanel cukup langsung. Tukang seret lan selehake gampang digunakake. Iki dirancang kanggo pangguna sing duwe teknis lan uga pangguna anyar.


Kabeh panggunaan fitur ditrapake kanthi apik ing cPanel. Ya, iki ora gampang digunakake, nanging uga bisa uga gampang pindhah. Dadi sampeyan bisa gampang pindhah sampeyan Bluehost situs web menyang GreenGeeks.

Dadi sanajan sampeyan pindhah, GreenGeeks minangka prasaja nggunakake Bluehost. Dadi ora apa-apa.

Alesan 6 - Keamanan:

GreenGeeks nduwe fitur sing apik kanggo keamanan. Ing level dhasar, menehi isolasi akun. Iki digabungake karo pemantauan keamanan 24/7 proaktif.

Rencana kasebut kalebu SSL gratis bebarengan karo HTTP2. GreenGeeks nindakake keamanan keamanan nyata-wektu nganggo serep saben dinten.

Nganyari otomatis lan patch keamanan ditrapake kanthi otomatis ing saben akun. Saben akun nambah perlindungan spam.

Kajaba iku, kalebu SSH akses, blok IP, perlindungan Hotlink, Leech Protection sing bisa diakses saka cPanel.

nalika GreenGeeks ora duwe potongan keamanan sing akeh banget, isih duwe kabeh kabutuhan kanggo mesthekake situs web sampeyan aman lan dilindhungi kanthi aman.

GreenGeeks nduweni fitur integral keamanan sing apik, sing ana Bluehost lags konco.

BlueHost Alternative No.2: IONOS

IONOS intro

IONOS is a popular European web hosting and cloud partner service provider. With 30 years of experience, they are the largest hosting company in Europe.

IONOS let’s you host websites, register domains, etc.

Because of this, IONOS has become the go-to choice for small and mid-sized businesses.

IONOS products are generally considered secure, reliable and state of the art. These products are priced at competitive rates.

Below are a few reasons why the IONOS hosting service is among the worthy BlueHost alternatif.

Reason 1: Fast hosting


Speed is one of the reasons companies opt for IONOS web hosting.

Being on top of the charts of the fastest hosting service providers in the region, IONOS wins hands down. Due to this, the page load time is reduced significantly when compared to other providers. Hence, this offers a smooth viewing experience for all users.

Having a fast website is great for SEO. This is because search engines consider page speed as an important ranking factor. So better page speed means better ranking, which in turn leads to an increase in organic traffic.

Reason 2: Strong Uptime and Reliability


It also scores in another critical metric – the Uptime. Businesses prefer a paid web hosting to ensure the website stays online always. If the uptime is low or the site goes down frequently, the hosting service fails you.

IONOS has an uptime of 99.99%, as the hosting services have data centers in many locations. To make it more clear, IONOS stores your website data in two data centers.

So even if there is an outage or maintenance activity in one of them, the other is available. Thus your website always stays visible no matter what happens at the hosting provider’s end.

Reason 3: Scalable Performance


Usually when web traffic increases, it impacts your website’s performance. With IONOS, you can easily switch plans to improve site performance.

This helps to tackle the increase in web traffic with ease.

To make it easier, you get notified thru email once the traffic breaches your plan limit. This gives the user an option to upgrade if need be.

The level 1 performance option can have up to 100 visitors per minute with a 512 MB memory limit. The highest performance offered is level 5, which can have more than 500 visitors and a memory limit of 768 MB.

Reason 4: Rock Solid Security


Security is one aspect that all businesses look for, and IONOS has you covered that way. It provides Wildcard SSL certificates to encrypt all communications between websites and visitors.

It also protects the exchange of data that happens between the site and the visitors. Plus IONOS offers extra security through malware protection and site scans. These help safeguard websites from attacks and threats.

IONOS protects websites from attacks by using DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection. That also ensures the site does not crash. They also backup six days of data, just-in-case.

This automatic backup is also provided along with manual backup, for extra protection. The Data Restore option is also available to recover lost or deleted files.

Reason 5: Fair Priced Web Hosting Plans


Depending on the size of your business, you can choose from competitive priced plans on offer.

  • The basic entry-level plan called the Rencana penting starts at $4/month for 12 months and $6/month after that. You get to host 1 website, 10 GB for storage, 10 databases, 10 professional email accounts, and a free domain for 1 year.
  • The Business plan recommended for large projects starts at S0.50/month for 12 months and $10/month after. You get to host unlimited websites with unlimited storage on an enhanced CPU. Plus a professional email account (2GB mailbox storage), and a free domain for 1 year, are icing on the cake.
  • The Executive Plan is for large projects and costs $8/month for 12 months and then $16/month. Features include everything in the business plan, plus malware protection and CDN for faster page loads.

Reason 6: Excellent Customer Support

IONOS offers 24/7 technical support to its users by way of live chat.

Their responses are prompt and useful in solving problems that you are facing.

IONOS appoints Personal Consultant for each customer, to help them when needed. Hence, here too IONOS scores better than other service providers.


BlueHost Alternative No.3: LiquidWeb

bluehost alts april liquidweb1

LiquidWeb is a small hosting company, but it’s made an excellent name for itself as a high-end provider.

LiquidWeb is a bit unique among the Bluehost alternatives listed here, in that it ONLY offers managed hosting products.

Now, there’s an important point to clarify here:

Managed hosting products are almost always more expensive than unmanaged ones.

Luwih, Bluehost mostly does not offer managed products (though it does offer managed WordPress plans), and Liquid Web does not offer any simple shared web hosting plans.

So a direct comparison is difficult. For the most part, I’ll be speaking generally about these respective providers’ overall product offerings.

Liquid Web is not the best option for some, but terrific for others—so be sure to read my full review of the company.

Alesan 1 - Fitur:

Liquid Web loads all of its plans with solid features.

If we use managed WordPress plans as a reference point—because Bluehost lan Liquid Web both offer managed WordPress—we can see that Liquid Web does on the whole offer better features.

bluehost alts april-liquid web-managed wp1

Bluehost’s managed WordPress doesn’t include email accounts outside of a 30-day free trial, and unlike Liquid Web, it does not include a website builder plugin for WordPress for free.

The iThemes Security Pro and Sync features are also great additions from Liquid Web: these let you manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. You can do a lot of site management from a single place.

Similar trends hold for other Liquid Web Produk.

Managed hosting usually reduces the amount of storage that plans get, compared to unmanaged products. Liquid Web does this somewhat, but still frequently makes better offerings than Bluehost.

If you look at both companies’ VPS offerings, Liquid Web’s MANAGED VPS is similarly priced to Bluehost’s unmanaged VPS, AND has better resources (far more bandwidth and a bit more storage).

(If you’re interested, you can read more about LiquidWeb’s VPS plans here.)

So while one to one comparisons are difficult, Liquid Web does not sacrifice features for ease of use.

Alesan 2 - Keamanan:

Liquid Web is one of the few hosting companies that directly owns and operates its own data centers.

Most hosting companies rent out space in data centers operated by other companies, or are owned by larger corporations that run data centers that combine a bunch of subsidiaries’ servers in one spot (the latter is true of Bluehost).

While it’s not the end of the world, it does add a third party into the hosting process, which can increase security risk and reduce transparency.

Dadi apik banget Liquid Web handles its own facilities. Additionally, it takes pretty good care of them:

bluehost alts april liquid web-dadi

Reason 3 – Performance:

Liquid Web doesn’t offer shared server hosting, so most of the performance issues you might be wary of are basically a nonissue.

Your resources are always a lot more private than what Bluehost’s unmanaged WordPress or shared web hosting plans offer.

sembarang Liquid Web customer—meaning, no matter the product selected—can expect at least 99.999% site uptime, and network uptime specifically is guaranteed to be 100%.

Kajaba iku, amarga Liquid Web uses the highest-end technology both physically and digitally, all sites get to enjoy great speeds.

Liquid Web’s reputation is that of high quality hosting, so it should be no surprise that this is an area that makes it one of the good Bluehost alternatif.

Reason 4 – Customer support:

Remember, managed hosting is a special service, and it’s dependent on great customer support.

So Liquid Web couldn’t have survived thus far without offering great support—it’s no surprise, then, that Liquid Web’s support is indeed fantastic.

Customers can contact customer support for basically anything, and will get a response basically immediately:

bluehost alts april liquid web- ndhukung

Support staff are highly qualified and can solve most of your problems quickly.

Though for what it’s worth, Liquid Web’s interface makes it so easy to manage your sites that you’ll barely need to contact support most of the time!

BlueHost Alternatives No.4: Dreamhost

bluehost alts april dreamhost1

DreamHost yaiku salah sawijining Bluehost’s big competitors, and they share a lot of similarities:

Kaya Bluehost, DreamHost has been around for a while, powers millions of websites, and offers a broad range of hosting services while still being most popular for affordable shared web hosting plans.

Dadi, kok DreamHost a good alternative if they have so much in common?

Well, it edges out Bluehost in a few key areas. For a full run-down, you can check out my detailed comparison review of the two. You can also check out kebak kula DreamHost review.

Yen ora:

Alesan 1 - Regane:

Lahiriah, DreamHost lan Bluehost have very similar pricing. Bluehost has four shared web hosting tiers, and DreamHost has only 2, but the starting prices are similar.

Iki apa DreamHost Nawakake:

bluehost alts april dreamhost rega1

Bluehost’s four tiers range from $2.95 to $13.95 a month for three-year terms (at the time of this writing).

So clearly, not too different, right?

Wrong! That’s only if you look at the surface. There are three important points to consider here.

First, pricing flexibility. DreamHost makes it far easier to choose a payment plan that works for the customer:

If you prefer to pay for one year of service rather than three years in bulk, it’s a little more expensive, but not that much. As in, a dollar more expensive upon renewal.

Ing kontras, Bluehost increases the prices more for annual billing.

uga, DreamHost lets you pay MONTHLY. It is a bit more expensive, but the option is still very easy to select, and is much better for those who can’t commit a lot of money upfront.

Now aside from flexibility, there’s a second point worth mentioning:

Renewal prices.

These are the things that the web hosting market is a bit infamous for, especially when it comes to big names like GoDaddy lan Bluehost. Yes, both DreamHost lan Bluehost have renewal prices higher than their starting, promotional prices.

Nanging, Dreamhost’s renewal prices are WAY lower. Bluehost’s entry level plan starts at $2.95 a month for a 3-year term, but renews at $8.99 a month.

Dene Dreamhost’s first tier starts at $2.45 a month for three years…and renews at just $5.99. The same pattern holds for the higher tiers, making DreamHost considerably cheaper.

And lastly, our third point…

DreamHost’s second tier is roughly equivalent in price with Bluehost’s second tier. Which makes sense. BUT:

There are also some features thrown in that make DreamHost’s second tier competitive with Bluehost’s more expensive third tier. So given the price, it’s got a lot more value.

So let’s talk more about features.

Alesan 2 - Fitur:

Speaking generally, Bluehost lan DreamHost offer pretty similar features for similar prices. This is very much the case with the web hosting plans.
Iki apa DreamHost Nawakake:

bluehost alts april dreamhost fitur

Bluehost, for its part, offers more or less the same features. The resources are practically identical. Some things stand out though:

Kanggo siji, Bluehost does not include email for free long term. Even its most expensive tier has Office 365 included for free for 30 days only, and then it’s a paid addition.

Ing kontras, DreamHost offers it at low cost for its first tier and includes unlimited accounts for the second tier.

But perhaps most importantly, DreamHost includes automated daily backups for free with all plans. Bluehost includes it only for the higher tiers, and sometimes makes you pay after the first year.

The WordPress features are also better, on both the regular shared hosting AND WordPress-specific plans. DreamHost includes a WordPress site builder plugin for free as well as automated WordPress updates.

Reason 3 – Customer support:

Ing kertas, DreamHost lan Bluehost offer the same support. In practice, however, DreamHost is a bit more personalized.

Both offer 24/7 support, by live chat, email, and phone.

Nanging, DreamHost heavily emphasizes its in-house experts, which provide more thorough responses to customer problems. It’s especially great for WordPress issues, though by no means limited to them.

DreamHost’s onsite information is pretty robust and helpful. They offer a great community forum that is well-organized, and the knowledge base is very easy to use despite having a lot of information.

bluehost alts april dreamhost support

Reason 4 – Performance:

DreamHost does not have perfect performance, but it does perform better than Bluehost, according to our test site.

Bluehost’s uptime over the last three months has been 99.965% and its average response time over the same period has been over 1,500ms.

Meanwhile, this is DreamHost’s performance over the last three months:

bluehost alts april dreamhost uptime1

It’s significantly better.

BlueHost Alternatives No.5: InterServer

bluehost alts april interserver1

InterServer is relatively unique as hosting companies go. It’s been around since 1999, making it an industry veteran, and thus a strong challenger to Bluehost.

InterServer’s advantages over Bluehost are primarily that it offers more unique hosting products, better value in those products, and some performance and security strengths.

Panjenengan bisa mriksa metu my InterServer review kene for full details. Anyway, here’s the gist of how it compares to Bluehost:

Alesan 1 - Regane:

InterServer’s pricing is generally similar to Bluehost’s, as far as the range of their hosting products go, but InterServer is still on the lower side.

And when it comes to shared web hosting, InterServer offers significantly better value, for a pretty unique reason:

It has just ONE plan.

That single plan has the same price as Bluehost’s entry-level plan—it’s actually a bit lower than Bluehost’s—but offers more resources and features, the stuff you’d expect with higher tiers.

That alone gives it much better value for the price.

Now technically, you can also get “Boost Web Hosting” plans with higher specs, and those are naturally higher cost. But in terms of basic web hosting, InterServer’s version is undeniably cheaper.

We can’t fully evaluate the value of a low price without noting the features. So let’s talk about that:

Alesan 2 - Fitur:

InterServer’s one-size-fits-all plan offers these core features:

bluehost alts april interserver fitur1

We can immediately identify several things here that Bluehost does not offer for even its highest web hosting tier:

Unlimited email accounts, global caching, and a website builder are all included for free.

Ing ndhuwur iku, InterShield Protection has great value: InterServer’s staff will clean up your site if it gets infected for FREE (Inter-Insurance) and there are solid security measures in place.

There’s a lot more to say about features, but you get the idea. Let’s get into those security measures I mentioned.

Alesan 3 - Keamanan:

InterServer has very robust security, and even better, is thorough in detailing what it does to protect websites.

For example, this is what’s done to protect just one of its data centers:

bluehost alts april interserver security1

All servers are constantly monitored, and network security is also very thorough.

Ing kontras, Bluehost is owned by a hosting conglomerate (Endurance International Group), which makes its security practices less transparent.

Reason 4 – Performance:

According to our test site, InterServer’s uptime hasn’t been way better than Bluehost’s, but it has still been noticeably better.

And the response times have been phenomenal—among the lowest of any web host we’ve tested.

bluehost alts april interserver kinerja

Nyatane, kita InterServer test site’s response times are about A FIFTH of our Bluehost test site’s response times. So while the uptime is slightly better, the speeds are a great advantage.

Minangka cathetan pungkasan, InterServer’s shared web servers are kept at 50% capacity, so that the success of any one user in bringing in traffic or using a lot of storage doesn’t affect other sites’ performance.

Reason 5 – Niche hosting products:

Bluehost lan InterServer both offer a range of hosting products…and that’s where the similarities end.

Bluehost offers the standard range of hosting products that most all-purpose hosts offer:

  • Hosting web sing dituduhake
  • WordPress hosting (unmanaged)
  • WordPress hosting (managed)
  • Virtual private server (VPS) hosting
  • Darmabakti hosting server

Meanwhile, this is what InterServer Nawakake:

  • Hosting web sing dituduhake
  • CMS hosting: WordPress; Joomla; Magento; Prestashop
  • VPS hosting: Windows; WordPress; Webuzo; cPanel; Debian; CentOS
  • ASP.Net hosting
  • Server khusus

Supaya sampeyan bisa ndeleng, InterServer offers basically everything that Bluehost offers, plus much greater variety for those seeking hosting for specific applications.

BlueHost Alternatives No.6: A2 Hosting

bluehost alts april a2

A2 Hosting is a lesser-known hosting provider, but it’s been around for about 20 years and has carved out a solid reputation for itself.

At the surface, A2 looks like any other general-purpose hosting provider, but a deeper look reveals it as one of the more unique providers around, a hidden gem of sorts—which makes it a great alternative to the more famous Bluehost.

You can get my full take on A2 Hosting kene. But for now, here’s the gist of why it’s a solid Bluehost alternatif:

Alesan 1 - Fitur:

A2 offers the normal range of hosting products, but offers a lot of features for them. And in particular, its shared web hosting packages are some of the most feature-packed I’ve EVER seen.

This is the gist of the four shared hosting tiers:

bluehost alts april a2 features1

At first glance, this probably looks pretty normal—not that much more than what Bluehost Nawakake.

Well, first note that the first tier has twice as much storage as Bluehost’s first tier. Note also that tiers 2-4 have automatic backups included for free.

But what’s impressive are the “key” features that are included with ALL shared plans:

bluehost alts april a2 features2

Several of these are features that Bluehost does not include for free, like unlimited email accounts. A couple of these are very helpful and unique: the website builder and website staging.

Website staging (the ability to experiment on a cloned version of your site) in particular is really unique; it’s usually offered only on expensive WordPress plans, not entry level shared hosting plans.

The second tier onwards have “growth” features in addition to the above “key” features:

bluehost alts april a2-features3

bluehost alts aprila2features4

So clearly, all of these plans are absolutely loaded with features, relative not just to Bluehost, but most hosts.

Alesan 2 - Regane:

A2’s pricing is very similar to Bluehost’s—in fact, it’s not any cheaper.

So why did I include it on the list of reasons?

Because of all the features I told you about just now. A2 Hosting offers basically the same prices as Bluehost, but packs FAR more features into those plans.

Additionally, its other hosting products are on the affordable side. A2’s unmanaged VPS plans in particular are very low-cost.

So if you’re looking to get as much bang for the buck as possible, A2 is one of the great Bluehost alternatif.

Alesan 3 - Keamanan:

A2 Hosting takes great care of its servers’ security and is forthcoming about its data centers:

bluehost alts april a2 security

That’s in addition to some security-related features included in a lot of plans.

A2’s transparency and thoroughness mark a nice contrast to Bluehost, whose data centers are handled by owner corporation EIG in a more ambiguous manner.

Reason 4 – Performance:

Judging from our A2 Hosting test site, A2 Hosting seems to have much better uptime than Bluehost:

bluehost alts april a2 uptime

It is consistently at least 99.99%, which is very high.

Its response times haven’t been the fastest, but they’re still decent—and they are consistently about half of our Bluehost test site’s response times.

Reason 5 – Developer-friendly:

Bluehost is great for beginners, and can support plenty of more advanced developer needs.

A2 Hosting is also great for beginners—but it’s even better for those advanced developer needs as well.

A2 Hosting supports a long list of applications and scripts loved by developers, including some more unique ones.

bluehost alts april a2 developers

So if you or someone on your team is a developer and wants great hosting for working with specific applications, A2 is one of the best providers around for that.


I have provided you a detailed walkthrough of the different reasons why you could choose the above-mentioned hosting platforms as Bluehost alternatif.

All of these are great alternatives, and it depends on what you’re prioritizing the most. If we’re speaking generally, however, I would say DreamHost sing paling apik Bluehost alternatif:

That’s because it is very similar to Bluehost while being slightly better—the chances are, the things you like most about Bluehost kabeh ing DreamHost, minus Bluehost’s downsides.

Of course, an overall recommendation. Like I said, it varies person to person:

If you are looking for perfect uptime, then A2 Hosting lan Liquid Web minangka alternatif sing luwih apik.

If you want as many features as you can for a low price point, A2 Hosting lan InterServer are both excellent options. (A2 is a bit better on features, InterServer is better for bargain pricing).

lan GreenGeeks? It’s great for those who want something higher-end than Bluehost (better performance and features) but don’t want to invest in something too expensive either.

Whatever you choose, be happy—there are lots of great options out there.

Sugeng hosting!