49+ Most Creative 404 Error Pages of 2024
Pengungkapan: Ketika Anda membeli layanan atau produk melalui tautan kami, kami terkadang mendapat komisi.

49+ Most Creative 404 Error Pages of 2024

Users don't like to be stumble upon 404 page but it’s an owner task to keep them interested within the site, even in error.

Jadi, mengapa 404 kesalahan terjadi?

404 terjadi ketika halaman web yang diminta tidak tersedia.

It occurs due to your visitors typed the wrong address, or they've visited a page that no longer exists, or there is a link on the site that leads to a "dead end".

Di sini, kami daftar 49 desain 404 halaman paling kreatif yang pernah Anda lihat.