
How To Point GoDaddy Domain to HostGator (2024)


In this article, I will show you how to point Godaddy domain to Hostgator.

But first, listen to this:

Der binne alternativen foar GoDaddy, which I had already mentioned in my previous article but in this article not only I’ll talk about moving hosting from Godaddy nei Hostgator, but also mention how to punt GoDaddy Domain to HostGator.

One of the alternatives of GoDaddy is HostGator.

The question remains on how to switch from GoDaddy nei HostGator. Yn dit artikel sil ik jo stap foar stap hantlieding liede oer hoe't jo jo domein kinne ferpleatse Godaddy nei HostGator.

Site migraasje fan Godaddy Nei Hostgator

Foar mar in beheinde tiid - wy biede FERGESE Site-migraasje oan oan dyjingen dy't oerskeakelje HostGator. Om yn oanmerking te kommen, moatte jo keapje HostGator hosting troch te klikken op de knop hjirûnder.

As jo ​​dien binne, folje asjebleaft de details hjir.

3 Easy Steps to Point Godaddy Domain to Hostgatory

Krij 50% OFF HostGator koarting troch klikke hjir.

Step 1. Transfer your domain from GoDaddy nei HostGator


At first, you have to log in to your GoDaddy account. Then click on Manage for the domain you wish to migrate.

Domeinslot útskeakelje

Soargje derfoar dat jo domeinslot út is. As it oan is, dan útsette it foardat jo trochgean.

Krij autorisaasjekoade

Authorization code from the existing registrar is required to transfer your domain successfully. Before you start the proceeding of Authorization code, do update your account with the correct email address.

Take note that if your email address is showing abuse@godaddy.com, then there is a configuration problem in GoDaddy. You won’t receive the authorization code in this case. Contact GoDaddy om dit probleem op te lossen.

Klikke op "Autorisaasjekoade krije" sil jo liede nei jo autorisaasjekoade en fierder nei jo domeinnamme.

Oanmelde HostGator

"No ynlogge yn Hostgator.”  There is a domain option available under cPanel settings. Clicking on the option of Transfer domains will open up a new window.

Fier jo domeinnamme yn yn dat bepaalde tekstfak.

Jo sille fia de e-post twa ferifikaasjekoade ûntfange foar in befestiging ien nei de oare. Fier beide koaden yn om fierder te gean.

Feroarje de namsservers

Hjir moatte jo de nammeservers bywurkje nei HostGator.

Boppedat moatte jo in fernijingsopsje kieze, jo kontakten bywurkje en akkoard gean mei har tsjinstregeling.

It sil resultearje yn it foltôgjen fan it Check out-proses.

De oerdraagjende oerdracht akseptearje

Revert to the GoDaddy transfer portal and accept the pending transfers.

STAP 2. Oerdracht fan bestannen

Iepen GoDaddy and go to Web Hosting Manager

Oanmeitsjen fan FTP-brûkersakkount

Jo moatte in FTP-brûkersaccount oanmeitsje yn FTP-ynstellingen.

Notearje jo FTP-details

Downloaden fan bestannen en mappen

Jo sille in ferbining fan jo FTP-adres mei in FTP-client nedich wêze om de bestannen en mappen fan jo side te downloaden.

Triemmen uploaden nei HostGator

Ynlogge yn HostGator cPanel and open File Manager.

Now you have to upload the files and folders in the domain’s directory, which was downloaded from your GoDaddy rekken.

Stap 3. Migraasje jo database

Guon websiden brûke in database. Yn dat gefal is migraasje ferplicht, tegearre mei domeinen en bestannen.

LOGIN nei phpMyAdmin

You will find PhpMyAdmin under Web sites Hosting Manager of GoDaddy. This will give you access to the database.

Exporting database from GoDaddy

Troch de ljepper Eksportearje kinne jo jo heule database eksportearje.

It formaat moat SQL wêze en selektearje de databanknammen om te eksportearjen.

Importing database into HostGator

In this step, you have imported the database by navigating to phpMyAdmin op dyn HostGator cPanel.

Importing database on HostGator

Ferhúzje nei HostGator’s “Database tools” section. Clicking on “phpMyAdmin” enables  creation of new database. Click on import and select the required SQL file. As soon as you click “Go” the process of migration completes.

Punt Godaddy Domain to Hostgator - Konklúzje:

De hjirboppe neamde stappen sille jo helpe om jo side frij maklik te ferpleatsen "nei Hostgator. "

The migration from GoDaddy nei Hostgator won’t be so tough. Hawwe in reservekopy foardat jo it proses fan migraasje begjinne. Jo wolle jo kostbere gegevens net kwytreitsje yn gefal fan in mishap.

So, migrate from GoDaddy nei Hostgator and start a new journey. Good luck!

En oh, yn 't gefal jo fragen hawwe oangeande dizze migraasje fan' e side, reagearje asjebleaft hjirûnder. Wy sille ús bêst dwaan om se te beantwurdzjen.

Chris Wagner

I am Chris Wagner, Having 12+ years of experience in the Hosting industry.

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Chris Wagner

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