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Bluehost vs GoDaddy — “6 Tests” Based on My Experience

Chris Wagner

”Olemme maksaneet asiakas BlueHost ja Godaddy.

We are monitoring both shared hosting’s servers for Uptime and Performance through our test sites ja

This Comparison of BlueHost vs Godaddy perustuu heidän palvelimillaan suoritettuihin testauksiin. "

Bluehost vs Godaddy is one of the classic comparisons ever done in Hosting industry.

Bluehost ja GoDaddy are two of the biggest hosting providers out there, so big that they’ll come upon almost every major list of the parhaat hosting-vaihtoehdot.

Kuinka ihmeessä sitten on mahdollista valita?

GoDaddy is probably the better-known hosting provider of the two, but does that mean it’s better?

GoDaddy’s hosting pricing is also infamous for being less-than-clear, but is that really true?

Web-hosting GoDaddy seems generous in resources, but are there hidden limitations?

BluehostEtusivu antaa a starting price of $2.95 a month, and GoDaddy offers a starting price of $5.99 a month, but is the price difference noteworthy?

Choosing the best hosting provider is tough, let alone the best hosting plan…even more so its two industry titans, Bluehost vs. GoDaddy.

Viime kädessä valinta on sinun, ja vaikka se voi olla vaikea valita, autamme sinua pääsemään sinne.


Siirry tarkastelemaan tiettyä testiä napsauttamalla seuraavia linkkejä

  1. Facebook-kysely
  2. Hinnoitteluvertailu
  3. Ominaisuuksien vertailu
  4. Asiakastuen vertailu
  5. Helppokäyttöinen
  6. Turvallisuus ja luotettavuus
  7. Tuomio

1. Facebook Poll: Verdict

I have conducted a poll on Facebook asking people to choose between Bluehost vs GoDaddy.

BlueHost vs Godaddy: Facebook Poll

Mennään nyt seuraavaan mielenkiintoiseen kohtaan, josta suurin osa teistä tulee - kustannukset!

2. Who has better pricing?

GoDaddy BlueHost
Suunnitelma Talous Perus
Hinta / kk. $5.99 $2.95
Perustettu 1997 2003
Sites Hosted 13 euroa
Palvelut ohi
2 euroa
Verkkosivu 1 1
Levytila 100GB 50GB SSD
kaistanleveys rajoittamaton rajoittamaton
Lisäverkkotunnukset 1-sivusto Rajoittamaton
MySQL tietokannat 10 × 1 FIN Rajoittamaton
Automaattiset varmuuskopiot - -
Chatti Kyllä Kyllä
Paras keskimääräinen käyttöaika? 100% 99.94%
Ilmaiset sähköpostitilit Free Microsoft Office 365
Yrityksen sähköposti
1 Click WordPress
Kyllä Kyllä
Asiakaspalvelu 24/7/365 24/7/365
Asiakaspalvelu 040 4918 7600 00 1 801-765-9400
Integroitu ohjauspaneeli cPanel
WHM for Linux
Plesk Windowsille
WHM for Linux
1-Click Shopping
Cart Installation
Kyllä Kyllä
Rahat takaisin
- 30 Days

Joten miten hinta jakautuu näiden kahden titaanin välillä?

Kuten kaikki suuret isännöintipalveluntarjoajat, tarjolla on monenlaisia ​​isännöintiä.

Jaettu web-hosting on tyypillisesti halvin ja suosituin isännöintitapa, ja kalliimpia vaihtoehtoja ovat tyypillisesti pilvipalvelu, virtuaalisen yksityisen palvelimen (VPS) isännöinti ja omistettu palvelin.

For most people Googling around for basic information on all this—beginners and smaller users—shared hosting plans are the most accessible.

They’re available for relatively low prices while offering enough features for solid customer satisfaction.

Nopea huomautus: monet näistä hinnoista ovat vain ensimmäisen palvelusi vuoden.

If you want a really in-depth look at Bluehost’s pricing, you can check out my analysis here. But otherwise let’s see the overview:

Listatut hinnat molemmille Bluehostja GoDaddy’s shared web hosting packages are discounts for the first year of service, but nousevat merkittävästi ensimmäisen vuoden jälkeen.

So for the price of shared web plans on Bluehost vastaan GoDaddy, Bluehost is generally a few bucks cheaper.

Heti bat: Bluehost’s shared hosting plans start at $2.95 a month for the “basic” plan. For the second tier of shared hosting, “Plus,” you’d pay $4.95 a month, and for “Choice Plus” you pay $5.95 thanks to a current discount.

However, both Plus and Choice Plus have the same renewal price.

BlueHost vs Godaddy: bluehost suunnitelmat

Viimeisenä, Go Go -taso alkaa 13.95 dollaria kuukaudessa.

Verrattuna, GoDaddy’s first tier is called “Economy,” and comes in a bit pricier at $5.99 a month. “Deluxe,” is also a slightly pricier, coming in at $7.99 a month, and “Ultimate” costs $12.99 a month. A fourth tier, called “Maximum,” would cost $19.99 a month.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: Godaddy Jaetut hosting suunnitelmat

To be clear: these are the “regular” tiers of shared web hosting. GoDaddy has a separate set of pricing tiers for its “Business Hosting” package: this is essentially a simplified VPS package. GoDaddy also has straightforward VPS options.

Verrattuna, Bluehost just has VPS and shared hosting.

GoDaddy’s Business Hosting alkaa 19.99 dollarista “käynnistys” -tasolla ja jatkaa “laajentamista” 59.99 dollarilla.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: Godaddy Yritysten isäntäsuunnitelmat

Vaikka GoDaddy’s “Business” plans have four tiers, Bluehost on kolme (muista, että tämä on suoraviivainen VPS hosting). Niillä on kuitenkin sama alue: “Standard” maksaa 18.99 dollaria ja “Ultimate” menee 59.99 dollaria.

Asia on, kun GoDaddy’s Business Hosting is like a more basic VPS, they also have VPS hosting.

The VPS hosting price GoDaddy lists has a large range: from $4.99 to $69.99 a month for standard RAM, and $9.99 to $99.99 a month for higher RAM plans.

Viimeinkin on omistettu isännöinti. Tämä on yksi vakavimmista vaihtoehdoista, joita voit käyttää, joten sinulla on todennäköisesti mojova tarpeita, jos tutkit tätä.

GoDaddy’s dedicated servers starts at $129.99 and end at $399.99 between four tiers for HDD storage servers, and $139.99 to $419.99 for SSD servers

Bluehost’s dedicated servers start at $79.99 and end at $119.99 between three tiers.

Bluehost ja GoDaddy also have WordPress hosting. Bluehost has two types of WordPress hosting:

Fully managed WordPress hosting which is $19.95 to $49.95 per month, and shared web hosting that’s WordPress-friendly at the same price as Bluehost’s regular web hosting.

GoDaddy also has two types of WordPress hosting: managed is $24.99 to $169.99 per month and self-managed is $6.99 to $15.99.

Se on paljon hintoja, joten tehdään yhteenveto: Bluehost ja GoDaddy both have shared web hosting, although GoDaddy just calls it web hosting on its site.

They also both have Virtual Private Server, and dedicated server options.

As you can see, they have overall the same prices. However, GoDaddy tends to have more options–specifically for higher-end plans. And GoDaddy’s range starts higher.

But it’s important to note that upon renewal, the prices even out further. For example:

Bluehost’s dedicated plans renew at a higher cost than the initial term. GoDaddy’s start higher, but have the same price upon renewal. The same is true for their VPS plans.

So for high-end solutions, Bluehost seems cheaper at first vs GoDaddy, but in the long run they’re pretty similar.

Poikkeus: GoDaddy’s “business” hosting plans are about the same as Bluehost’s VPS plans including renewal. And for just shared web hosting, the renewal prices are similar, too.

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Pricing Verdict

Bluehost offers you a 30-day money back guarantee for each product. If you don’t like what you got—even if it’s a dedicated server—you can get your money back after trying it.

Verrattuna, GoDaddy only gives you a free trial for its website builder. Just the verkkosivuilla rakennusmestari.

A rahat takaisin takuu is a whole lot more valuable considering the prices aren’t that different, to begin with.

3. Bluehost vs Godaddy: Who fares better in features?

Jos luet viimeisen osan, olet ehkä ajatellut itsellesi: "Se on hienoa, mutta mikä on hintojen konteksti?"

As in, what are you getting for the hosting prices GoDaddy ja Bluehost tarjous?

Kuten voit arvata, artikkeli, joka kuvaa jokaisen hinnoittelusuunnitelman kaikkia ominaisuuksia, olisi äärettömän pitkä (tai lähellä).

Siksi aion lähinnä tarkastella jaettua hosting-palvelua - suosituimpia vaihtoehtoja, koska sitä olet todennäköisesti katsomassa.

Voit katsella GoDaddy’s full list of features hereja Bluehosttäydellinen luettelo täältä.

Ensin ylös: Bluehost. Jos saat perustilin 2.95 dollaria kuukaudessa, sinulla on yksi verkkosivusto. Plus-, Choice Plus- ja Prime-sovelluksissa on sitä vastoin rajoittamaton sivusto. Saat myös 50 Gt SSD-muistia perusasetuksille ja mittaamaton SSD-tallennustila Plusille tai uudemmalle.

BlueHost vs Godaddy: bluehost piirteet

Kaistanleveys on mittaamaton (kiva, että he eivät sano rajoittamatonta) kaikki tasot, but you only get 5 parked domains and 25 subdomains for Basic, as well as only 100MB of storage per email account with a maximum of 5 accounts permitted (all of these are unlimited for the rest of the tiers).

varten GoDaddy’s Economy package 5.99 dollarilla kuukaudessa, saat samalla tavalla yhden verkkosivuston, mutta kaksinkertainen määrä tallennustilaa ja käyttämätöntä kaistanleveyttä. Deluxe-suunnitelmiin ylöspäin (muista, että Deluxe on 7.99 dollaria verrattuna Bluehost5.45 dollaria Plus), saat rajoittamattoman määrän verkkosivustoja ja rajoittamattoman tallennustilan.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: GodaddyOminaisuudet

Kuten Bluehost’s Basic plan, GoDaddy’s Economy plan allows 25 subdomains.

Everything upwards of that has unlimited subdomains. Finally, both GoDaddy ja Bluehost sisällyttää kätevästi ilmainen verkkotunnus ostokseesi.

Vaikka molemmat Bluehost ja GoDaddy give you email accounts with your hosting packages, Bluehost tarjoaa vain 100 Mt tallennustilaa tiliä kohden Basic- ja 5 sähköpostitiliä - yhteensä 500 Mt.

GoDaddy offers 5GB for Economy, dwarfing Bluehost.

Sanoi, että GoDaddy’s 5GB continues throughout all tiers, whereas Bluehost allows for unlimited storage if you upgrade, and GoDaddy only gives one free mailbox.

Plus, GoDaddy’s email is only included free for the first year, and after that first year it renews at cost. This is not the case for BluehostN.

Joten kun GoDaddy’s included email is much more competitive for the first term and the entry level plan, Bluehost’s email is more cost-effective long term and for any higher tiers.

Here’s something else to consider: Bluehost tarjoaa sinulle ilmaisen SSL-sertifikaatin Perussuunnitelma ylöspäin.

GoDaddy offers an SSL certificate only for its Ultimate and Maximum plans.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: Godaddy SSL

SSL-sertifikaatti varmistaa, että vierailijat - asiakkaasi - todella tuntevat olonsa turvalliseksi sivustollasi.

Jos olet myy mitään on your site, you’d better get an SSL certificate somehow…it’s crucial.

If you aren’t processing transactions or sensitive information, an SSL certificate may be less essential. BUT, if your site lacks SSL, visitors’ browsers may warn them of poor security and search engines will deprioritize your site.

So it’s less essential, but still pretty dang important. By now, just about every hosting company offers SSL for free with their plans. It’s standard fare for any current web host.

Ja Bluehost tekee siitä erittäin helpon hankkimalla sisällyttämällä sen omaan 2.95 dollaria kuukaudessa paketti.

GoDaddy gives it free for the first year only, and only for the higher two tiers. After a year it renews at about $79.99.

Lastly, there is a more notable difference in features when it comes to WordPress hosting. As I’ve said early, both our competitors offer managed and self-managed shared WordPress plans.

Both of them have well-featured managed WordPress.

But for the shared web hosting WordPress plans, GoDaddy offers more features, including free WordPress plugins that are valuable.

Toisaalta, Bluehost’s WordPress plans are cheaper, and Bluehost has the honor of being recommended by WordPress itself.

It’s one of only three hosts recommended by WordPress, including Dreamhost.

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Features Verdict

So overall? When it’s Bluehost vs GoDaddy on features, I think GoDaddy looks better feature-wise, but only if you’re willing to spend extra on add-ons.

But if you’re going on what you get out of the box, included for free and by default, Bluehost wins easily. Any given Bluehost hosting plan has a good amount of value packed into it.

But, keep reading because there’s quite a bit more under consideration!

4. Bluehost vs Godaddy: Whose customer support is best?

Kiinteä asiakastuki on välttämätöntä jokaiselle isännöintipalveluntarjoajalle, mutta etenkin näille kahdelle.

Koska ne ovat niin suuria, niiden on täytettävä taakka tukea paljon laajempaa asiakaskuntaa kuin muita alustoja. Joten miten he pinottuvat?

Like most hosts, there are quite a few resources at the disposal of the customer.

Ensinnäkin on paikan päällä dokumentaatio ja koulutusresurssit.

Secondly, there are representatives designated for helping customers with specific issues or adding a human touch.

Entinen koostuu tyypillisesti tietopohjasta, UKK: sta, ohjevideoista ja niin edelleen. Jälkimmäinen koostuu tyypillisesti puhelimen, sähköpostin ja live chat-tuesta.

Bluehost tekee asiakastuestaan ​​erittäin selkeän.

Jokaisen sivun alareunassa on pieni valikko sivuston pääresursseista: tuki saa oman osionsa, pikalinkit chattiin, liput, tietokanta ja järjestelmien tilasivuille.

Liput / lippujärjestelmä on pääosin sähköpostituki: se näyttää melko suoraviivaiselta ja riittävän tukevalta.

Heidän puhelintukilinja ei ole heti ilmeinen käytetyn sivun mukaan, mutta heillä on sellainen. Tällä sivulla on luettelo eri puhelinnumeroista erityyppisille kysymyksille.

Lopuksi heidän tietokantaansa - jota he kutsuvat tukikeskukseksi - on pääsy ja kattava.

Löysin BluehostSuoran chatin ollakseen yleisesti reagoiva. Huomaa: vasemmassa alakulmassa olevat ajat ovat sekunnin päässä keskustelun viimeisimmästä viestistä.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: BlueHost chat 1

Edustaja “liittyi” chattiin muutaman sekunnin kuluttua siitä, kun aloitin sen.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: BlueHost chat 2

Olen melko varma, että alkuperäinen vastaus oli kopioitu. Kun toistin kysymykseni uudelleen, sain vastauksen muutamassa minuutissa.
BlueHost vs Godaddy: Bluehost chat 3

Kaiken kaikkiaan 2–3 minuuttia ei tuskin ole huono odotusaika - ja se on erityisen mukavaa, koska liittyin chattiin käyttämättä tiliä, mutta tavallisena verkkosivuston vierailijana.

GoDaddy has more or less the same set of resources as Bluehost.

Kotisivun yläosassa on hyvin saatavilla oleva puhelintuen numero, ja heidän ohjesivunsa (joka tunnetaan myös nimellä tietopohja) on myös helppo löytää.

Sikäli kuin voin kertoa piilottelemalla, GoDaddyOhjekeskus on tasa-arvoinen Bluehost'S; Ainoa syy, miksi todella pidät parempana kuin toiset, on henkilökohtaiset makuasetukset.

GoDaddy’s live chat function has improved but is still not very reliable. You can easily chat with a rep from a chat box on every page.

BlueHost vs Godaddy: godaddy chat 1

First you’ll interact with a chatbot:
godaddy chat 1
And then you’ll be directed to a representative. But frequently, all the reps will be busy and you’ll have a very long wait time (by live chat standards):

godaddy chat 1
Tämä ei ole ensimmäinen kerta GoDaddy’s live chat has been unreachable, or at least very slow.

No, olen kirjautunut sisään testaamaan sitä henkilökohtaisen sivustoni tililläni ja löysin ... saman tuloksen.

Muista, että GoDaddy has certain hours for live chat use (yes, they have 24/7 phone support but not 24/7 chat support—go figure), but that this was within those hours.
Godaddy chat 2

Perhaps there’s something up with my browser…but I doubt it because this has never been an issue before, and I talk to people on live chat often.

Toivon siis, ettei se ole kiistanalainen, jos annan Bluehost more credit for its chat support.

Overall, both sites have decent customer support. But if I’m going to be quite honest, GoDaddy’s support feels less solid and more of a basic, bare-minimum approach.

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Customer Support Verdict

Bluehost näyttää olevan paljon ennakoivampi tukemaan asiakaspohjaaan. Plus, Bluehost on selvästi parempi chat-tuki.

5. Bluehost vs Godaddy: Which is easy to use?

Helppokäyttöisyys on välttämätöntä, ja etenkin suurimpien isännöintipalveluntarjoajien kannalta: ne ovat niin suuria, että houkuttelevat suuria määriä ihmisiä.

Tavallaan sellainen antaa sinulle vastauksen jo nyt: molemmat ovat helppokäyttöisiä palveluita. Suoraan sanottuna minulla ei ole paljon enemmän sanottavaa.

When a web host is easy to use and has a great user experience, there just isn’t much to say—ease of use is something you’ll only really comment on if something is going wrong.

There are the basics to worry about: the actual hosting process, then taking care of domain names, as well as building the website itself, and so on and so on.

Kuitenkin, Bluehost ja GoDaddy both make this as easy as it can be; at the very least, it hasn’t gotten much easier at any other platform.

GoDaddy cPanel:

BlueHost vs Godaddy: Godaddy cPanel

BlueHost cPanel:

BlueHost vs Godaddy: bluehost cPanelin isännöinti
BlueHost vs Godaddy: bluehost cPanel 2

Älä unohda, että molemmilla näillä alustoilla on oppaita, UKK-ohjeita ja oppaita heidän tietopohjoissaan.

Suurinta osaa näistä materiaaleista voidaan käyttää ilman tiliä, joten jos haluat todella tuntea palveluiden helppokäyttöisyyden ilman kirjautumista, voit tutustua ohjekeskuksiin.

Lastly, when it’s Bluehost vs GoDaddy on WordPress ease of use, there isn’t a huge difference. Both companies’ WordPress plans make things a lot easier.

Mutta, Bluehost is in general a simpler interface to work with, and has good support dedicated to WordPress, and for that reason may be slightly preferable for easily running WordPress.

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Ease of Use Verdict

Overall, however, I count no noteworthy differences between ease of use for either GoDaddy or Bluehost.

6. Bluehost vs Godaddy: Who is more secure?

Now, let’s talk about security. This is one of the most important things to look for in a hosting company: can they protect your presence online?

The good news is that any major hosting company, like Bluehost or GoDaddy, is usually sufficiently well-established to the point you’re overall safe.

However, we can never be too careful, and solid website protection is essential. With that being said, let’s dive in!

varmuuskopiot are a pretty important feature for hosting services. If God forbid, anything happens and your site goes down, you do not want to lose any work or important changes.

Bluehost only includes automated backups for its two highest tiers. You can pay for add-ons to do this at the lower tier, however.

It’s basically the same for GoDaddy: for real, automated site backups, you need to pay a bit extra for an add-on.

Bluehost on myös pääsy sivulle, joka raportoi päivitykset palvelimen katkoksista. Tämä on hienoa, jos välität läpinäkyvyydestä (sinun pitäisi).

He mainitsevat myös työkalun, joka suojaa jaettujen palvelimien sivustoja (jotka muuten voivat olla vaarallisempia kuin VPS tai erilliset palvelimet).

On valinnaisia ​​lisäosia, jotka lisäävät myös omaasi turvallisuus, as I mentioned, such as: SiteLock, verkkotunnuksen tietosuojatyökalut ja ainutlaatuiset IP-osoitteet.

Kun yritin tutkia muita heidän sivustonsa turvallisuustietoja, en löytänyt yhtään. Tämä ei ole sama kuin Bluehost ei ole hyviä turvallisuusprotokollia - mutta virallisen tiedon puute on pettymys.

GoDaddy, on the other hand, has an accessible page just about site security.

Unfortunately, it’s more of an informative/instructive guide for customers, rather than solid documentation of their own safety.

7. Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Who performs better?

Päälläoloaika on melko tarvetta tärkeä - haluatte loppujen lopuksi verkkosivustosi olevan mahdollisimman paljon yllä.

2018. elokuuta 2019. elokuuta GoDaddy had pretty solid uptime. Almost every month had 99.99% uptime or perfect uptime. The lowest was 99.97%.

Viime vuonna, GoDaddy’s performance has been consistent with that, roughly. One day in October 2019 saw some downtime that brought down the yearly average, but the overall score is solid for a year:

godaddy uptime 1 year
And on a monthly basis, it’s closer to 99.97% uptime:
godaddy uptime 3 months
Nopeuden suhteen GoDaddy is pretty good. Since August 2018, GoDaddy’s response times have been in the 400-500ms range.

So speed with GoDaddy isn’t just good, but CONSISTENTLY good.

Kuten Bluehost, we’ve been testing them since spring 2017. Things were rougher in 2017 but from 2018 to 2019, roughly speaking, uptime for a given month would usually be at least 99.98%, and often perfect.

However, some months would see less-than-ideal scores, meaning below 99.95%.That’s old news though–in terms of recent history, here’s how Bluehost has done for the last year:

bluehost uptime 1 year

It’s really good. Over the course of a year, 99.98% uptime (99.99% if you round up) is nearly perfect.

And any given month during the last year has been about the same–the last three months, for example, are also at 99.98%.

The speeds are poorer than GoDaddy. Since early 2019, our Bluehost test site’s response times have consistently been higher than our GoDaddysivustolla.

However, it’s not exactly slow, more like average. And the big picture is that while GoDaddy had better uptime a while ago, the last year has seen Bluehost EASILY beat GoDaddy on uptime.

One feature related to performance: CloudSites.

CloudSites näyttää periaatteessa kopion sivustostasi, joka on tallennettu pilveen palvelinvian sattuessa.

If the hardware fails, the cloud comes in to save you—something GoDaddy doesn’t offer, and something that isn’t represented by these uptime scores.

It includes a CDN (content delivery network) so that your site will always reach visitors quickly. Cloud Sites isn’t free, but an optional add-on that can boost performance.

Joka tapauksessa voit jatkaa testisivustojemme käytettävyyden seuraamista GoDaddy tätä ja Bluehost tätä.

So what’s the big answer on performance for GoDaddy vs Bluehost?

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: Performance Verdict

Kaiken kaikkiaan sanon Bluehost definitely wins on performance. If you’re willing to risk more downtime for speed, GoDaddy voisi olla paremmin.

But for most people, uptime is the top priority, and speed can be improved in other ways anyway…hence, Bluehost wins here.

Bluehost vs Godaddy: Kumpi on parempi?

Joten mikä on tuomio?

Kertaus: Bluehost on slightly cheaper plans kuin GoDaddy, but the differences tend to even out or switch for more expensive or premium options.

As far as features go, they’re about the same. However, GoDaddy overall offers more features for sen halvin suunnitelmatai enemmän määriä samoja ominaisuuksia (esim. säilytystila).

That said, these features are generally not included free after a year, whereas Bluehost’s included features are.

Of particular note are SSL certificates, and CloudSites, which Bluehost offers competitively (GoDaddy does not even offer the latter).

While both companies have many WordPress plans, GoDaddy is a bit more generous on features…at least for the first year. Bluehost still seems overall better for WordPress, though.

Molempien yritysten tietokannat ovat suunnilleen kattava. Kuitenkin, Bluehost has noticeably better support in the form of superior live chat.

molemmat Bluehost ja GoDaddy are about equally easy to use; it’s really just a matter of personal preference at this point.

As far as security goes and reliability go, GoDaddy ja Bluehost are about even.

Bluehost overall wins very clearly on Päällä, despite having a worse record prior to the last year.

Kaiken Suosittelisin GoDaddy for those who are newer to hosting and want more things in one platform.

Tämä johtuu siitä, GoDaddy emphasizes its ability to do it all–provide domains, website building, SSL, etc. It will naturally come with extra cost to make use of GoDaddy’s add-ons, but it can make things much easier for beginners.

Toisaalta, Suosittelen Bluehost to people who just need simple, good-quality hosting.

It may have less on the features front but has better value out of the box, costs less overall, has better support, AND has better uptime.

Se on sekoitettu laukku!

Viime kädessä miettiä, mitkä hosting-tarpeesi ovat.

Jos tiedät, mitä tarvitset ja mitä haluat tehdä verkossa, saat hyvin.

Bluehost vs GoDaddy: FAQ

Kumpi on parempi Bluehost Or GoDaddy?

Bluehost & GoDaddy both offer free domain names for the 1st year. The basic plan of Bluehost costs $2.95/Month with 50 GB SSD whereas GoDaddy costs $5.99/Month with 100 GB Storage. Bluehost has better tools included for free while GoDaddy has better tools available for purchase. Bluehost includes a free SSL certificate in the basic plan that is not included in GoDaddy’s economic plan. Bluehost also performs better, and is thus overall better, too.

But if you’re looking for a GoDaddy alternative and aren’t impressed by what you’ve read of Bluehost so far, there are still other good GoDaddy vaihtoehdot.

Kuinka paljon on GoDaddy Per Month?

Economy plan costs $5.99/Month with 1 website and 100 GB storage. Deluxe plan costs $7.99/Month with unlimited websites, unlimited storage & subdomains. Ultimate plan costs $12.99/Month with features of Deluxe plan plus free SSL certificate for a year & free premium DNS. Please note this pricing is for September 2020; for current pricing click tätä.

Kuinka paljon on Bluehost Per Month?

The basic plan costs $2.95/Month with 1 website, 1 domain, and 500 GB SSD storage. Plus plan costs $4.95/Month including unlimited domains and sub-domains. The Choice Plus plan costs the same, and includes Site backup CodeGuard basic in addition.

Can I Get A Refund From GoDaddy Ja Bluehost?

In order to request a refund from GoDaddy, you need to contact their customer support team.
You can get a full refund from Bluehost jos peruutat isännöintipalvelun 30 päivän kuluessa. Bluehost will deduct a non-refundable domain fee of $15.99 if the plan including the free domain is canceled within 30 days. No refund offered for any claim or cancellations after 30 days.

All of this is spelled out in Bluehost’s money back guarantee, so you won’t get hoodwinked.

Paljonko GoDaddy Domain Cost?

A “.com” domain varies in price. Generally it’s free for a year, after which it renews at a price of $17.99/Year. Purchased alone, it starts at $11.99. You may add Domain privacy at an additional cost of $9.99/Year

Paljonko Bluehost Domain Cost?

Kuten GoDaddy, you can register a free domain name for a year along with a web hosting package. A standalone domain purchase is similar to GoDaddyhinta:

A “.com” domain costs a total of $11.99 for the 1st Year after which it renews at a price of $17.99/Year. You may add Domain privacy at an additional cost of $15.00/Year.

Onko GoDaddy Charge Monthly?

GoDaddy has an option to charge monthly for a web hosting plan, whereas Domain services are billed annually.

Onko Bluehost Charge Monthly?

Ei. Bluehost näyttää kuukausittaisen hinnan, mutta laskutetaan vuosittain.